The popular tradition in the art of the sculptor Constantin Brâncuși
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730.03.071.1(498)(092) (1)
Пластические искусства (432)
SM ISO690:2012
NICULESCU, Gheorghe, BOBOC, Monica. The popular tradition in the art of the sculptor Constantin Brâncuși. In: Portul popular – expresie a istoriei şi culturii neamului, Ed. 2, 23-24 iunie 2022, Chişinău. Chișinău: Tipogr. „Notograf Prim”, 2022, Ediția 2, p. 58. ISBN 978-9975-84-162-7.
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Portul popular – expresie a istoriei şi culturii neamului
Ediția 2, 2022
Conferința "Portul popular – expresie a istoriei şi culturii neamului"
2, Chişinău, Moldova, 23-24 iunie 2022

The popular tradition in the art of the sculptor Constantin Brâncuși

CZU: 730.03.071.1(498)(092)

Pag. 58-58

Niculescu Gheorghe, Boboc Monica
Constantin Brâncuși University, Târgu-Jiu
Disponibil în IBN: 9 decembrie 2022


Constantin Brâncuși, the father of modern sculpture, through his work and personality represents the common catalyst, the vector of force for the entire Romanian spirituality. Constantin Brâncuşi is considered one of the greatest sculptors in the world of all times, the exponent of the Romanian culture based on the authentic traditional. Constantin Brâncuşi assumed the popular tradition of the Romanian village in which he was born, whose influences can be found on several levels: in the ”philosophy of naturalness” and in the ”doctrine of the ancestors” (revealed by his texts and aphorisms), in his complex religiosity (similar to ”peasant Christianity”), in his behavior and, especially, in his work. From the Brancusi texts and aphorisms, an assumption of the Romanian popular wisdom emerges, which he calls the “philosophy of naturalness”, which also contains the norms of ancestral moral conduct (which are found in the dowry of proverbs of the Romanian village). Brâncuşi largely identified with the complex of traditions, legends, customs and ornaments in Romanian folklore. The essence of Brancusi’s works comes from Romanian folklore. Brâncuşi’s most important and original contribution to modern sculpture can be, in the last resort, the expression of the Romanian popular vision of the world, which was a constitutive element of the artist’s philosophy.

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<cfVol>Ediția 2</cfVol>
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<cfTitle cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'>The popular tradition in the art of the sculptor Constantin Br&acirc;ncuși</cfTitle>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'><p>Constantin Br&acirc;ncuși, the father of modern sculpture, through his work and personality represents the common catalyst, the vector of force for the entire Romanian spirituality. Constantin Br&acirc;ncuşi is considered one of the greatest sculptors in the world of all times, the exponent of the Romanian culture based on the authentic traditional. Constantin Br&acirc;ncuşi assumed the popular tradition of the Romanian village in which he was born, whose influences can be found on several levels: in the &rdquo;philosophy of naturalness&rdquo; and in the &rdquo;doctrine of the ancestors&rdquo; (revealed by his texts and aphorisms), in his complex religiosity (similar to &rdquo;peasant Christianity&rdquo;), in his behavior and, especially, in his work. From the Brancusi texts and aphorisms, an assumption of the Romanian popular wisdom emerges, which he calls the &ldquo;philosophy of naturalness&rdquo;, which also contains the norms of ancestral moral conduct (which are found in the dowry of proverbs of the Romanian village). Br&acirc;ncuşi largely identified with the complex of traditions, legends, customs and ornaments in Romanian folklore. The essence of Brancusi&rsquo;s works comes from Romanian folklore. Br&acirc;ncuşi&rsquo;s most important and original contribution to modern sculpture can be, in the last resort, the expression of the Romanian popular vision of the world, which was a constitutive element of the artist&rsquo;s philosophy.</p></cfAbstr>