Biomorphological and quantitative characteristics of tomato SC0 somaclones
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631.527:635.54 (1)
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SM ISO690:2012
PALADI, Dana, COTENCO, Eugenia, SIROMYATNIKOV, Iu.. Biomorphological and quantitative characteristics of tomato SC0 somaclones. In: Biotehnologii avansate – realizări şi perspective, Ed. 6, 3-4 octombrie 2022, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2022, Editia a VI-a, pp. 325-327. ISBN 978-9975-159-81-4. DOI:
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Biotehnologii avansate – realizări şi perspective
Editia a VI-a, 2022
Simpozionul "Biotehnologii avansate – realizări şi perspective"
6, Chişinău, Moldova, 3-4 octombrie 2022

Biomorphological and quantitative characteristics of tomato SC0 somaclones

CZU: 631.527:635.54

Pag. 325-327

Paladi Dana, Cotenco Eugenia, Siromyatnikov Iu.
Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection
Disponibil în IBN: 17 octombrie 2022


With the development of cellular biology, molecular genetics, biochemistry, biophysics, microbiology and genetic engineering, artificially manipulating the genetic information of li-ving organisms became possible resulting in modern biotechnologies with special implications in the improvement of plants and animals, production of pharmaceutical and cosmetic ingre-dients, valuable chemical and bioenergetic products [1]. In vitro culture is a set of techniques that requires the use of aseptic elements and the creation of a perfectly controlled environment, being an advantageous way to increase the chances of inducing and obtaining somaclonal ge-netic variability and stable genetic somaclones [2]. 

tomato, in vitro culture, culture medium, tomato somaclone