Analysis of the composition of Fusarium pathogens in three triticale varieties
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633.11:632.938.1 (1)
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SM ISO690:2012
IGNATOVA, Zoia. Analysis of the composition of Fusarium pathogens in three triticale varieties. In: Biotehnologii avansate – realizări şi perspective, Ed. 6, 3-4 octombrie 2022, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2022, Editia a VI-a, pp. 32-34. ISBN 978-9975-159-81-4. DOI:
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Biotehnologii avansate – realizări şi perspective
Editia a VI-a, 2022
Simpozionul "Biotehnologii avansate – realizări şi perspective"
6, Chişinău, Moldova, 3-4 octombrie 2022

Analysis of the composition of Fusarium pathogens in three triticale varieties

CZU: 633.11:632.938.1

Pag. 32-34

Ignatova Zoia
Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection
Disponibil în IBN: 13 octombrie 2022


One of the main tasks of modern agriculture is to ensure the productive security of people by increasing the yield of agricultural crops, breeding for resistance to unfavorable environ-mental factors and diseases, and minimizing the risk of mycotoxins entering food and animal feed, which are synthesized by many fungal phytopathogens [2, 3]. Triticale as a wheat-rye amphidiploid is resistant to most pathogens. However, in recent years there has been more and more data on the expansion of the spectrum of fungal pathogens on triticale plants [1]. Some parasitic species of fungi of the genus Fusarium, which affect the generative organs of cereal crops, are producers of the most dangerous mycotoxins. They not only infect grain du-ring the growing season, but also continue to develop on grain under certain conditions during storage, contaminating it with mycotoxins. The most harmful representatives of this genus in terms of the toxicity of their secondary metabolites are F. equiseti, F. avenaceum, F. nivale, F. oxysporum, F. sporotrichioides, F. verticillioides, F. culmorum. They produce mycotoxins such as deoxynivalenol (DON), zearalenone, T-2 / HT-2 toxins, ochratoxin, fumonisin, etc., which have a negative impact on human health. So, PCR diagnostics of plant samples for the presen-ce of some harmful fungal pathogens during the growing season can be a preventive measure against the contamination of the final product (grain) with mycotoxins. It allows timely treat-ment of crops with fungicides and rejection of infected seeds. The aim of the present study was to analyze the composition of pathogens from the genus Fusarium in plants of three varieties of triticale at different stages of vegetation.

Triticale, genus Fusarium, molecular diagnosis, nested-PCR

DataCite XML Export

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<creatorName>Ignatova, Z.C.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Institutul de Genetică, Fiziologie şi Protecţie a Plantelor, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<title xml:lang='en'>Analysis of the composition of Fusarium pathogens in three triticale varieties</title>
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<subject>genus Fusarium</subject>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>One of the main tasks of modern agriculture is to ensure the productive security of people by increasing the yield of agricultural crops, breeding for resistance to unfavorable environ-mental factors and diseases, and minimizing the risk of mycotoxins entering food and animal feed, which are synthesized by many fungal phytopathogens [2, 3]. Triticale as a wheat-rye amphidiploid is resistant to most pathogens. However, in recent years there has been more and more data on the expansion of the spectrum of fungal pathogens on triticale plants [1]. Some parasitic species of fungi of the genus Fusarium, which affect the generative organs of cereal crops, are producers of the most dangerous mycotoxins. They not only infect grain du-ring the growing season, but also continue to develop on grain under certain conditions during storage, contaminating it with mycotoxins. The most harmful representatives of this genus in terms of the toxicity of their secondary metabolites are F. equiseti, F. avenaceum, F. nivale, F. oxysporum, F. sporotrichioides, F. verticillioides, F. culmorum. They produce mycotoxins such as deoxynivalenol (DON), zearalenone, T-2 / HT-2 toxins, ochratoxin, fumonisin, etc., which have a negative impact on human health. So, PCR diagnostics of plant samples for the presen-ce of some harmful fungal pathogens during the growing season can be a preventive measure against the contamination of the final product (grain) with mycotoxins. It allows timely treat-ment of crops with fungicides and rejection of infected seeds. The aim of the present study was to analyze the composition of pathogens from the genus Fusarium in plants of three varieties of triticale at different stages of vegetation.</p></description>