Modificări morfo-fiziologice provocate de nematoda Ditylenchus Destructor culturilor solanaceae, conform fazelor de ditilenhoză
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Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2023-02-28 10:02
SM ISO690:2012
MELNIC, Maria, GLIGA, Olesea. Modificări morfo-fiziologice provocate de nematoda Ditylenchus Destructor culturilor solanaceae, conform fazelor de ditilenhoză. In: Ştiinţa în Nordul Republicii Moldova: realizări, probleme, perspective, Ed. 6, 20-21 mai 2022, Bălți. Balti, Republic of Moldova: Tip. Indigou Color, 2022, Ediția 6, pp. 453-458.
EXPORT metadate:
Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Ştiinţa în Nordul Republicii Moldova: realizări, probleme, perspective
Ediția 6, 2022
Conferința "Ştiinţa în Nordul Republicii Moldova: realizări, probleme, perspective"
6, Bălți, Moldova, 20-21 mai 2022

Modificări morfo-fiziologice provocate de nematoda Ditylenchus Destructor culturilor solanaceae, conform fazelor de ditilenhoză

Pag. 453-458

Melnic Maria, Gliga Olesea
Institutul de Zoologie
Disponibil în IBN: 31 mai 2022


The article presents data that reveal the phases of dithylenchosis in potato tubers infested by the nematode Ditylenchus destructor, the density of parasitic nematodes, saprophytic and the type of popular in the infested plant tissue. It has been established that in the potato tubers infested in phases 1 and 2 of dithylenchosis, the monotypic primary populate of tubers with this parasite takes place. By density are distinguished: larval forms (L2, L3, L4 -50% of the total units / gram of infested tissue), eggs (17.45%), males (16.83%) and females (15.72%). In these phases of dithylenchosis, infested tubers are the main source of the nematode D.destructor spread in Solanaceae crops, because the external symptoms are not visible even by careful selection.

dithylenchosis phases, nematodes, populate, potato tubers