Последействие биологически активных веществ на параметры роста и развития кустов винограда Клона R5 сорта Каберне-Совиньон
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Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2022-11-10 14:27
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634.8:631.5 (63)
Виноградарство, виноградные лозы и виноградники (638)
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SM ISO690:2012
КАРА, Сергей. Последействие биологически активных веществ на параметры роста и развития кустов винограда Клона R5 сорта Каберне-Совиньон. In: Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură , Ed. 2022, 11 februarie 2022, Comrat. Comrat, Republica Moldova: Universitatea de Stat din Comrat, 2022, Vol.1, pp. 243-248. ISBN 978-9975-83-176-5; 978-9975-83-177-2.
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Dublin Core
Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură
Vol.1, 2022
Conferința "Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură"
2022, Comrat, Moldova, 11 februarie 2022

Последействие биологически активных веществ на параметры роста и развития кустов винограда Клона R5 сорта Каберне-Совиньон

CZU: 634.8:631.5

Pag. 243-248

Кара Сергей
Комратский государственный университет
Disponibil în IBN: 31 martie 2022


This article presents the results of studying the effect and aftereffect of growth regulators of auxin (Calovit) and steroid (Ecostim) nature on the growth and development parameters of Cabernet Sauvignon clone R5 under the conditions of ATU Gagauzia using the example of SC "Tomai-Vinex" SA. The discovery of a new class of growth regulators, in particular steroid hormones, and the creation of preparations based on them open up prospects for their use in the practice of grape nursery. Preparations of steroid glycosides, in comparison with well-known ones, have a mild type of action, work in relatively low concentrations. The author, according to the variants of the experiment, determined the survival rate of seedlings in a permanent place, calculated the total linear and volumetric growth of shoots of vine bushes. Morphological parameters of vine leaves, leaf surface area were determined. Every year, at the end of ripening, the yield of bushes was recorded, the quality of the grape harvest was determined. It has been established that biologically active substances, when used for pre-stratification processing of grafted cuttings, lead to an increase in regeneration processes, to an increase in the yield of seedlings from the nursery and their quality. The aftereffect of biologically active substances on the growth, development and productivity of grape bushes of the clone R5 of the Cabernet Sauvignon variety under the conditions of SC "Tomai-Vinex" SA was noted. At 15 years after planting, the aftereffect is manifested in a regular change in the parameters of one-year growth, the formation of a leaf surface, and productivity elements. These indicators increase in variants with the use of biologically active substances, especially when treated with Ecostim. Key words: Bushes, Cabernet-Sauvignon, Calovit, Clone R5, Development, Ecostim, Grape, Quality, Productivity, Vines.

bushes, Cabernet-Sauvignon, Calovit, Clone R5, development, Ecostim, Grape, Quality, Productivity, vines