Investigation of the content of minerals in samples of volcanic mud by X-ray difractometry
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543.427.4:550.8 (1)
Спектральные методы анализа. Оптические методы анализа (69)
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SM ISO690:2012
HAJIYEVA, Sevinj, ALIEVA, T., SAMADOVA, Aytan, SHAKHNAZAROVA, N.. Investigation of the content of minerals in samples of volcanic mud by X-ray difractometry . In: Ecological and environmental chemistry : - 2022, Ed. 7, 3-4 martie 2022, Chișinău. Chisinau: Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2022, Ediția 7, Vol.1, pp. 157-158. ISBN 978-9975-159-07-4.. 10.19261/eec.2022.v1
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Ecological and environmental chemistry
Ediția 7, Vol.1, 2022
Conferința "Ecological and environmental chemistry 2022"
7, Chișinău, Moldova, 3-4 martie 2022

Investigation of the content of minerals in samples of volcanic mud by X-ray difractometry

CZU: 543.427.4:550.8

Pag. 157-158

Hajiyeva Sevinj1, Alieva T.1, Samadova Aytan1, Shakhnazarova N.2
1 Baku State University,
2 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
Disponibil în IBN: 16 martie 2022


The content of minerals in samples of volcanic mud taken from the Salyan (Khidirli village), Shamakhi (Gushchu village) and Aghstafa districts was investigated by X-ray diffractometry. Based on the analysis of the samples, the amount of natural minerals such as illite, calcite, quartz, gypsum, tridemite, microcline, volcanic glass, cristobalite, etc. was calculated. For the analysis, a D8 ENDEAVOR diffractometer from Bruker was used. X-ray diffractometry is the most direct and effective method for determining the quantitative ratios of crystalline and amorphous materials, determining their microstructural properties, such as crystallite sizes and microstrains, as well as macrostructural properties, such as the magnitude of residual stresses and strains in products. The phase composition of materials is traditionally determined by means of X-ray diffraction. To prepare samples for XRF of mud volcanoes taken from the Aghstafa, Shamakhi, and Salyan regions, grinding followed by pressing the samples into tablets was used. All samples of mud volcanoes taken from the Aghstafa, Shamakhi and Salyan regions include the mineral illite. The high content of micro-components: iodine, boron, bromine, organic substances, as well as mineralization – the advantage of volcanic mud taken from the Aghstafa, Shamakhi and Salyan regions, distinguishing them from silt and peat mud. Other minerals are also part of the volcanic mud taken from the Aghstafa, Shamakhi and Salyan regions. Table 1 shows the results of the analysis of volcanic mud taken from the Aghstafa, Shamakhi and Salyan regions. For analysis, 15 grams of volcanic mud were taken, pressed and given in the form of tablets to a D8 ENDEAVOR diffractometer. LOI-loss on puncture is 6.45%, 4.01% and 5.72%. Mineral types% Shamakha (Kushchu) Salyan (Khidirli) Aghstafa Illite 4,26 6,2 3,42 Quartz 13,29 12,39 9,8 Gypsum 0,4 0,36 0,09 Tridemite 0,25 0,13 0,39 Volcanic glass 59,47 55,5 67,12 cristobalite 1,64 1,66 1,75 microcline 4,77 4,69 4,51 plasiclase 13,16 17,4 12,61 calcite 2,76 1,61 0,33 The amount of minerals found in samples of mud volcanoes taken from these places indicates that these minerals are useful for various purposes, especially as valuable medicinal products in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals.