Time-reversal symmetry of quantum systems with quasi-energy spectrum
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GERU, Ion. Time-reversal symmetry of quantum systems with quasi-energy spectrum. In: Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, 12 noiembrie 2018, Dusseldorf. Dusseldorf, Germania: Springer Verlag, 2018, Vol. 281, pp. 155-171. ISSN 00813869. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-01210-6_5
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Springer Tracts in Modern Physics
Vol. 281, 2018
Sesiunea "Springer Tracts in Modern Physics"
Dusseldorf, Germania, 12 noiembrie 2018

Time-reversal symmetry of quantum systems with quasi-energy spectrum


Pag. 155-171

Geru Ion
Institute of Chemistry
Disponibil în IBN: 16 februarie 2022


In this section, it will be shown how the wave function of a non-stationary state of a quantum system is transformed under the action of the time reversal operator T. Despite the fact that in the case of non-stationary states the total energy of the system is uncertain, it does not mean violating the law of energy conservation, since the average energy is conserved. It is found that the wave functions (forumala presented), on average, belong to the same energy level and are linearly dependent, if T2=- 1. However, if T2=- 1, then the wave functions (forumala presented) belonging in average to the same level, are orthogonal (quasi-degeneracy of energy levels due to time-reversal symmetry).

Time Symmetry, Spectral Singularities, Optical lattices

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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>In this section, it will be shown how the wave function of a non-stationary state of a quantum system is transformed under the action of the time reversal operator T. Despite the fact that in the case of non-stationary states the total energy of the system is uncertain, it does not mean violating the law of energy conservation, since the average energy is conserved. It is found that the wave functions (forumala presented), on average, belong to the same energy level and are linearly dependent, if T<sup>2</sup>=- 1. However, if T<sup>2</sup>=- 1, then the wave functions (forumala presented) belonging in average to the same level, are orthogonal (quasi-degeneracy of energy levels due to time-reversal symmetry).</p></description>