Educația universitară contabilă: avem nevoie de schimbare?
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505 7
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-04-16 21:30
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similare conform CZU
378.4:657(478) (1)
Высшее образование. Университеты. Академическое обучение (2703)
Бухгалтерия. Бухгалтерский учет (1047)
SM ISO690:2012
GRIGOROI, Lilia, LAZARI, Liliana. Educația universitară contabilă: avem nevoie de schimbare? In: Contabilitatea : şi auditul în condiţiile globalizării: realităţi şi perspective de dezvoltare, Ed. 7, 19-20 aprilie 2018, Chişinău. Chişinău: "Print-Caro" SRL, 2018, Ediția 7, pp. 9-16. ISBN 978-9975-127-59-2.
EXPORT metadate:
Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Ediția 7, 2018
Conferința "Contabilitatea şi auditul în condiţiile globalizării: realităţi şi perspective de dezvoltare"
7, Chişinău, Moldova, 19-20 aprilie 2018

Educația universitară contabilă: avem nevoie de schimbare?

University accounting education: do we need changes?

CZU: 378.4:657(478)
JEL: M41

Pag. 9-16

Grigoroi Lilia, Lazari Liliana
Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 4 ianuarie 2022


The purpose of this article is to investigate the current situation in accounting high education and the need to change this learning environment, the catalysts that impose changes in university accounting education to ensure the sustainability of accounting education and the accounting profession. The theme was chosen because it outlines an interface between the challenges of the lessons learned in the STAREP project on the one hand, and the shortcomings sometimes met at local and even national level, on the other hand. It is a qualitative research and our main contribution is to confirm the change requirement in university accounting that meets student expectations and employers' requirements.

accounting education, accounting, university, Quality, change,

educație contabilă, contabilitate, universitate, calitate, schimbare