The sustainability of social entrepreneurship using circular economy principles
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2023-02-10 20:02
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334.012.44 (6)
Формы организации и сотрудничества в экономике (997)
SM ISO690:2012
STRATAN, Dumitru. The sustainability of social entrepreneurship using circular economy principles. In: Dezvoltarea economico-socială durabilă a euroregiunilor şi a zonelor transfrontaliere, 29 octombrie 2021, Iași, România. Iași, România: Performantica, 2021, Vol.40, pp. 467-476. ISBN 978-606-685-831-1.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Dezvoltarea economico-socială durabilă a euroregiunilor şi a zonelor transfrontaliere
Vol.40, 2021
Conferința "Dezvoltarea economico-socială durabilă a euroregiunilor şi a zonelor transfrontaliere"
Iași, România, Romania, 29 octombrie 2021

The sustainability of social entrepreneurship using circular economy principles

Sustenabilitatea antreprenoriatului social folosind principiile economiei circulare

CZU: 334.012.44

Pag. 467-476

Stratan Dumitru
Disponibil în IBN: 15 decembrie 2021


This article is realized within the State Program 20.80009.0807.22: Development the mechanisms for
creation the circular economy in Republic of Moldova.
The general objective of this article is to analyze the perspectives for developing social
entrepreneurship in Moldova and find what useful insights could bring its development in the Moldovan
ecosystem through social economy and circular economy boosting.
One of the main hypothesis is that optimal model of social entrepreneurship can rather take place in the
conditions in which companies attribute their principles to the circular economy and SMEs policies combine
necessary attributes that change economic and social stereotypes of entrepreneurs.
The purpose of the article is tounderline the understanding of social entrepreneurship perspective in
Moldova through circular economy in order to configure a clear model of functioning in Moldovan realities.

circular economy, entrepreneurship, development, social