Распределение нагрузок силовой направленности в полугодичном макроцикле подготовки бегунов на средние дистанции (этап начальной спортивной специализации)
Articolul precedent
Articolul urmator
269 0
SM ISO690:2012
СВЕКЛА, Светлана. Распределение нагрузок силовой направленности в полугодичном макроцикле подготовки бегунов на средние дистанции (этап начальной спортивной специализации). In: Sport. Olimpism. Sănătate, Ed. 6, 16-18 septembrie 2021, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Editura USEFS, 2021, Ediția 6, pp. 316-323. ISBN 978-9975-131-99-5.
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Dublin Core
Sport. Olimpism. Sănătate
Ediția 6, 2021
Congresul "Sport. Olimpism. Sănătate"
6, Chişinău, Moldova, 16-18 septembrie 2021

Распределение нагрузок силовой направленности в полугодичном макроцикле подготовки бегунов на средние дистанции (этап начальной спортивной специализации)

Pag. 316-323

Свекла Светлана
Государственный университет физического воспитания и спорта
Disponibil în IBN: 28 noiembrie 2021


The article presents data on the effective construction of strength training for middle distance runners in the autumn - winter macrocycle. It was revealed that the conjugated-sequential form of organizing loads of various predominant directions provides for a strict procedure for introducing loads into the process of training athletes with a gradually increasing degree of specificity and strength of the training influence. It was determined that in the six-month training cycle for middle-distance runners aged 13-14 years, the conjugated-sequential form of organizing loads with the element of concentration of strength loads has a more beneficial effect on the dynamics of the level of motor readiness than the complex-parallel one.

strength training, autumn-winter macrocycle, middle distance running, stage of initial sports specialization, concentration of loads