Motive etnologice și filmul de non-ficțiune
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791.43-2:39 (3)
Этнография. Жизнь народа. Обычаи. Образ жизни. Фольклор (2302)
SM ISO690:2012
OLĂRESCU, Dumitru. Motive etnologice și filmul de non-ficțiune. In: Tradiţii şi procese etnice, Ed. 2, 30 martie 2021, Chişinău. Chişinău: Fox Trading SRL, 2021, Ediția 2, pp. 55-61. ISBN 978-9975-3337-8-8. DOI:
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Tradiţii şi procese etnice
Ediția 2, 2021
Simpozionul "Tradiţii şi procese etnice"
2, Chişinău, Moldova, 30 martie 2021

Motive etnologice și filmul de non-ficțiune

Ethnological motifs in the non-fiction film

CZU: 791.43-2:39

Pag. 55-61

Olărescu Dumitru
Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural
Disponibil în IBN: 4 noiembrie 2021


The possibilities of the documentary film to fix ethnological and ethnographic phenomena in all their audiovisual integrity contributed to the realization of this category of films right from the beginnings of non-fiction cinema. At the «Moldova-film» studio, despite the very vigilant ideological conditions of the totalitarian regime, especially when it came to the cultural heritage of the native people, our filmmakers released a series of films, dedicated to customs, rituals and traditions – important components of our national identity. This category of films has been talked about and written in some specialized studies. The cinematographic works “Trânta/Wrestling” (director Anatol Codru) and “Jocurile copilăriei noastre/The Games of our Childhood” (directors Vlad Druc, Mircea Chistrugă) serve as research topic for us. They are dedicated to popular sports games, which, besides being captivating manifestations that have survived through centuries until the present, are imposed in the context of national identity, but, through this prism, the respective works have not been researched yet.

ethnological film, cinematographic language, Trânta, oina, Țurca, capră, Poarca.

DataCite XML Export

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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The possibilities of the documentary film to fix ethnological and ethnographic phenomena in all their audiovisual integrity contributed to the realization of this category of films right from the beginnings of non-fiction cinema. At the &laquo;Moldova-film&raquo; studio, despite the very vigilant ideological conditions of the totalitarian regime, especially when it came to the cultural heritage of the native people, our filmmakers released a series of films, dedicated to customs, rituals and traditions &ndash; important components of our national identity. This category of films has been talked about and written in some specialized studies. The cinematographic works &ldquo;Tr&acirc;nta/Wrestling&rdquo; (director Anatol Codru) and &ldquo;Jocurile copilăriei noastre/The Games of our Childhood&rdquo; (directors Vlad Druc, Mircea Chistrugă) serve as research topic for us. They are dedicated to popular sports games, which, besides being captivating manifestations that have survived through centuries until the present, are imposed in the context of national identity, but, through this prism, the respective works have not been researched yet.</p></description>