Activitatea prooxidantă a unor noi compuşi coordinativi bioactivi in vitro
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SM ISO690:2012
ŞVEŢ, Inna. Activitatea prooxidantă a unor noi compuşi coordinativi bioactivi in vitro. In: Culegere de rezumate științifice ale studenților, rezidenților și tinerilor cercetători, 21 iunie 2015, Chișinău1. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: CEP ”Medicina”, 2015, p. 21. ISBN 978-9975-3168-4-2.
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Culegere de rezumate științifice ale studenților, rezidenților și tinerilor cercetători 2015
Conferința "-"
Chișinău1, Moldova, 21 iunie 2015

Activitatea prooxidantă a unor noi compuşi coordinativi bioactivi in vitro

Prooxydant activity of some new bioactive coordinative compounds in vitro

Pag. 21-21

Şveţ Inna
Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu“
Disponibil în IBN: 15 iulie 2021


Introducere. Complecşii de cupru ai salicilaldehidei semi/tiosemicarbazonelor s-au dovedit a fi agenţi antiproliferativi puternici datorită faptului că ei pot induce intracelular stresul oxidativ (SO) în celulele de cancer mamar cu diviziune rapidă MCF-7, existând, totodată, şi o importantă corelație pozitivă între generarea de radicali liberi ai oxigenului (RLO) şi activitatea antiproliferativă a compuşilor sintetizaţi [Gulea A. et al., 2007, 2009]. În acest sens, un mare interes îl prezintă compuşii coordinativi ai metalelor nonplatinidice (CC) care manifestă proprietăți antineoplazice pronunțate, însă influența lor asupra SO nu a fost studiată. Scopul lucrării. cercetării constă în evaluarea influenței unor CC noi asupra indicilor SO în experiențe in vitro. Material şi metode. Au fost evaluați 25 CC noi sintetizați la Universitatea de Stat din Moldova [Gulea A. et al., 2007]. Intensitatea SO a fost evaluată prin dozarea hidroperoxizilor lipidici (HPL) şi dialdehidei malonice (DAM). Rezultate. Studiul efectuat relevă că nivelurile de HPL şi DAM cresc semnificativ statistic cu 18%40% sub influenţa majorităţii CBA studiate. Cei mai activi sunt compuşii CMA-10, CMA-32, CMC49, CMC-54, CMC-95, CMC-105, CMSA-1, CMSA-2 CMSA-32, CMSA-34, CMSA-47, CMG-33, care în concentrațiile de 6,25, 12,5, 25 şi 50 μM/L au condiționat creşterea HPL şi DAM cu 30%-50%. Concluzii. CC studiați cu activitate prooxidantă pot reprezenta o nouă clasă de chimioterapice antineoplazice eficiente, cu capacități selective asupra celulelor tumorale.

Introduction. Copper complexes of demi/thiosemicarbazones salicylaldehyde were proved to be potent antiproliferative agents due to the their ability to induce intracellular oxidative stress (OS) in rapidly divifing breast cancer cells – MCF-7. At the same time, an important positive correlation between the generation of oxygen free radicals (OFR) and antiproliferative activity of the synthesized compounds exists [Gulea A. et al., 2007, 2009]. Thus, of a great interest are the nonplatinidic metals coordinative compounds (CC) that exhibit pronounced anticancer properties, but their influence on OS has not been studied. Objective of the study. In vitro evaluation of the influence of some new CC on OS markers. Material and methods. Twenty-five new CC synthesized at Moldova State University [Gulea A. et al., 2007] were evaluated. OS intensity was assessed by lipid hydroperoxides (HPL) and malondialdehyde (MDA) measurement. Results. The study reveals that HPL and DAM level statistically significant increased by 18%-40% under the influence of the majority of the studied CBA. The most active compounds were CMA-10, CMA-32, CMC-49, CMC-54 CMC-95, CMC-105, CMSA-1, CMSA-2, CMSA-32, CMSA-34, CMSA-47 CMG-33, that in concentrations of 6.25, 12.5, 25 and 50 μM/L induced the increase of HPL and DAM by 30%-50%. Conclusions. The studied CC with prooxidant activity may represent a new class of efficient anticancer chemotherapeutics with selective activity on tumor cells.

Introduction. Copper complexes of demi/thiosemicarbazones salicylaldehyde were proved to be potent antiproliferative agents due to the their ability to induce intracellular oxidative stress (OS) in rapidly divifing breast cancer cells – MCF-7. At the same time, an important positive correlation between the generation of oxygen free radicals (OFR) and antiproliferative activity of the synthesized compounds exists [Gulea A. et al., 2007, 2009]. Thus, of a great interest are the nonplatinidic metals coordinative compounds (CC) that exhibit pronounced anticancer properties, but their influence on OS has not been studied. Objective of the study. In vitro evaluation of the influence of some new CC on OS markers. Material and methods. Twenty-five new CC synthesized at Moldova State University [Gulea A. et al., 2007] were evaluated. OS intensity was assessed by lipid hydroperoxides (HPL) and malondialdehyde (MDA) measurement. Results. The study reveals that HPL and DAM level statistically significant increased by 18%-40% under the influence of the majority of the studied CBA. The most active compounds were CMA-10, CMA-32, CMC-49, CMC-54 CMC-95, CMC-105, CMSA-1, CMSA-2, CMSA-32, CMSA-34, CMSA-47 CMG-33, that in concentrations of 6.25, 12.5, 25 and 50 μM/L induced the increase of HPL and DAM by 30%-50%. Conclusions. The studied CC with prooxidant activity may represent a new class of efficient anticancer chemotherapeutics with selective activity on tumor cells.

compuşi coordinativi ai metalelor nonplatinidice, activitatea prooxidantă, hidroperoxizii lipidici, dialdehida malonică,

nonplatinidic metals coordinative compounds, prooxidant activity, lipids hydroperoxide, malondialdehyde

DataCite XML Export

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<title xml:lang='ro'>Activitatea prooxidantă a unor noi compuşi coordinativi bioactivi in vitro</title>
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<description xml:lang='ro' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>Introducere. Complecşii de cupru ai salicilaldehidei semi/tiosemicarbazonelor s-au dovedit a fi agenţi antiproliferativi puternici datorită faptului că ei pot induce intracelular stresul oxidativ (SO) &icirc;n celulele de cancer mamar cu diviziune rapidă MCF-7, exist&acirc;nd, totodată, şi o importantă corelație pozitivă &icirc;ntre generarea de radicali liberi ai oxigenului (RLO) şi activitatea antiproliferativă a compuşilor sintetizaţi [Gulea A. et al., 2007, 2009]. &Icirc;n acest sens, un mare interes &icirc;l prezintă compuşii coordinativi ai metalelor nonplatinidice (CC) care manifestă proprietăți antineoplazice pronunțate, &icirc;nsă influența lor asupra SO nu a fost studiată. Scopul lucrării. cercetării constă &icirc;n evaluarea influenței unor CC noi asupra indicilor SO &icirc;n experiențe in vitro. Material şi metode. Au fost evaluați 25 CC noi sintetizați la Universitatea de Stat din Moldova [Gulea A. et al., 2007]. Intensitatea SO a fost evaluată prin dozarea hidroperoxizilor lipidici (HPL) şi dialdehidei malonice (DAM). Rezultate. Studiul efectuat relevă că nivelurile de HPL şi DAM cresc semnificativ statistic cu 18%40% sub influenţa majorităţii CBA studiate. Cei mai activi sunt compuşii CMA-10, CMA-32, CMC49, CMC-54, CMC-95, CMC-105, CMSA-1, CMSA-2 CMSA-32, CMSA-34, CMSA-47, CMG-33, care &icirc;n concentrațiile de 6,25, 12,5, 25 şi 50 &mu;M/L au condiționat creşterea HPL şi DAM cu 30%-50%. Concluzii. CC studiați cu activitate prooxidantă pot reprezenta o nouă clasă de chimioterapice antineoplazice eficiente, cu capacități selective asupra celulelor tumorale.</p></description>
<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>Introduction. Copper complexes of demi/thiosemicarbazones salicylaldehyde were proved to be potent antiproliferative agents due to the their ability to induce intracellular oxidative stress (OS) in rapidly divifing breast cancer cells &ndash; MCF-7. At the same time, an important positive correlation between the generation of oxygen free radicals (OFR) and antiproliferative activity of the synthesized compounds exists [Gulea A. et al., 2007, 2009]. Thus, of a great interest are the nonplatinidic metals coordinative compounds (CC) that exhibit pronounced anticancer properties, but their influence on OS has not been studied. Objective of the study. In vitro evaluation of the influence of some new CC on OS markers. Material and methods. Twenty-five new CC synthesized at Moldova State University [Gulea A. et al., 2007] were evaluated. OS intensity was assessed by lipid hydroperoxides (HPL) and malondialdehyde (MDA) measurement. Results. The study reveals that HPL and DAM level statistically significant increased by 18%-40% under the influence of the majority of the studied CBA. The most active compounds were CMA-10, CMA-32, CMC-49, CMC-54 CMC-95, CMC-105, CMSA-1, CMSA-2, CMSA-32, CMSA-34, CMSA-47 CMG-33, that in concentrations of 6.25, 12.5, 25 and 50 &mu;M/L induced the increase of HPL and DAM by 30%-50%. Conclusions. The studied CC with prooxidant activity may represent a new class of efficient anticancer chemotherapeutics with selective activity on tumor cells.</p></description>
<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>Introduction. Copper complexes of demi/thiosemicarbazones salicylaldehyde were proved to be potent antiproliferative agents due to the their ability to induce intracellular oxidative stress (OS) in rapidly divifing breast cancer cells &ndash; MCF-7. At the same time, an important positive correlation between the generation of oxygen free radicals (OFR) and antiproliferative activity of the synthesized compounds exists [Gulea A. et al., 2007, 2009]. Thus, of a great interest are the nonplatinidic metals coordinative compounds (CC) that exhibit pronounced anticancer properties, but their influence on OS has not been studied. Objective of the study. In vitro evaluation of the influence of some new CC on OS markers. Material and methods. Twenty-five new CC synthesized at Moldova State University [Gulea A. et al., 2007] were evaluated. OS intensity was assessed by lipid hydroperoxides (HPL) and malondialdehyde (MDA) measurement. Results. The study reveals that HPL and DAM level statistically significant increased by 18%-40% under the influence of the majority of the studied CBA. The most active compounds were CMA-10, CMA-32, CMC-49, CMC-54 CMC-95, CMC-105, CMSA-1, CMSA-2, CMSA-32, CMSA-34, CMSA-47 CMG-33, that in concentrations of 6.25, 12.5, 25 and 50 &mu;M/L induced the increase of HPL and DAM by 30%-50%. Conclusions. The studied CC with prooxidant activity may represent a new class of efficient anticancer chemotherapeutics with selective activity on tumor cells.</p></description>