Eurobond issue on international capital market: principiles and challenges
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SM ISO690:2012
OLARI, Marcel. Eurobond issue on international capital market: principiles and challenges. In: Center for Studies in European Integration Working Papers Series, 2020, nr. 16, pp. 50-59. ISSN -.
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Center for Studies in European Integration Working Papers Series
Numărul 16 / 2020 / ISSN - /ISSNe 2537-6187

Eurobond issue on international capital market: principiles and challenges

CZU: 339.727.2

Pag. 50-59

Olari Marcel
Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 19 aprilie 2021


Many start-up issuers have either graduated or are about to graduate from low-income country status and transfer to the category of middle-income countries and, as a result, there are reductions in available multilateral concessional funds. Therefore, the growing financing needs for many start-up issuers, together with reduced access to concessional financing, relatively underdeveloped domestic markets and a favorable interest rate environment have made international bonds an attractive financing alternative. The issuance of global bonds allows these issuers to diversify their investor base and exploit fewer credit constraints in a more liquid global bond market. Moreover, by issuing bonds in any of the currencies with the lowest cost of capital, start-up issuers are able to reduce th

EUROBOND, debt, international financing, interest rate

DataCite XML Export

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<title xml:lang='en'>Eurobond issue on international capital market: principiles and challenges</title>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>Many start-up issuers have either graduated or are about to graduate from low-income country status and transfer to the category of middle-income countries and, as a result, there are reductions in available multilateral concessional funds. Therefore, the growing financing needs for many start-up issuers, together with reduced access to concessional financing, relatively underdeveloped domestic markets and a favorable interest rate environment have made international bonds an attractive financing alternative. The issuance of global bonds allows these issuers to diversify their investor base and exploit fewer credit constraints in a more liquid global bond market. Moreover, by issuing bonds in any of the currencies with the lowest cost of capital, start-up issuers are able to reduce th</p></description>