Игра в шахматы как важный ресурс развития детей с особыми образовательными потребностями
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Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-03-15 09:41
SM ISO690:2012
МАСЛОВ, Артём. Игра в шахматы как важный ресурс развития детей с особыми образовательными потребностями. In: Educaţia incluzivă: dimensiuni, provocări, soluţii, Ed. 4, 19 octombrie 2018, Bălți. Bălți: Tipografia din Bălţi, 2018, Ediţia 4, pp. 259-262. ISBN 978-9975-3276-1-9.
EXPORT metadate:
Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Educaţia incluzivă: dimensiuni, provocări, soluţii
Ediţia 4, 2018
Conferința "Educaţia incluzivă: dimensiuni, provocări, soluţii"
4, Bălți, Moldova, 19 octombrie 2018

Игра в шахматы как важный ресурс развития детей с особыми образовательными потребностями

Pag. 259-262

Маслов Артём
Бельцкий Государственный Университет "Алеку Руссо"
Disponibil în IBN: 15 aprilie 2021


This article is devoted to the problem of teaching primary school children with special educational needs playing chess. In article are examined methods of working with this category of children. Conclusions are based on author’s personal practical experience. Particular attention is paid to the issues of mental and sensory development. In this article are given examples of teacher’s effective activity as the leader of the chess circle in grammar school.

chess, children with special educational needs, circle work