Cercetarea cimitirului evreiesc din Alba Iulia. Propuneri de bune practici în conservare și restaurare
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726.8(=411.16)(498) (1)
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SM ISO690:2012
OLEA (NEAGOIE), Sidonia Petronela. Cercetarea cimitirului evreiesc din Alba Iulia. Propuneri de bune practici în conservare și restaurare. In: Patrimoniul cultural de ieri – implicații in dezvoltarea societatii durabile de maine, Ed. 2, 22-23 septembrie 2020, Chişinău. Iași – Chișinău: 2020, Ediția 2, pp. 361-367. ISSN 2558 – 894X.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Patrimoniul cultural de ieri – implicații in dezvoltarea societatii durabile de maine
Ediția 2, 2020
Conferința "Patrimoniul cultural de ieri – implicații în dezvoltarea societății durabile de mâine"
2, Chişinău, Moldova, 22-23 septembrie 2020

Cercetarea cimitirului evreiesc din Alba Iulia. Propuneri de bune practici în conservare și restaurare

Research of the Jewish cemetery in Alba Iulia. Proposals for good practices in conservation and restoration

CZU: 726.8(=411.16)(498)

Pag. 361-367

Olea (Neagoie) Sidonia Petronela12
1 Universitatea „1 decembrie 1918”, Alba Iulia,
2 Muzeul Naţional al Unirii Alba Iulia
Disponibil în IBN: 12 martie 2021


The history of a community is closely related to the cultural heritage left to the descendants. Speaking either about historiography or making reference to the actual history embodied by monuments, which can be perceived as “documents”. Hereinafter I want to focus on the Jewish cemetery of Alba Iulia, whose monuments are under an ongoing serious istorigraphic research, inventory, and also an intervention of active conservation.1 The mentioned activities are focused on a selection of elements chosen together with Mr. Daniel Dumitran, associate Professor2 . The Jewish history abides the longest from a temporary point of view, being over thirty centuries long. Furthermore, Transylvania is a spreading area in which Jewish settlements are of great interest. In order to save this hystorical domain, it is essential to preserve the funerary monuments, because they usually offer big amount of information aboit, about the deceased but also information about a certain religious community. Another element we have to mention is the research enablement of these funerary monuments, after the interventions imposed by the preservation status analysis Their cleaning is an essential step, so that the legibility of the inscription improves along with the description symbolism. To illustrate this we are going to present a case study: Funerary monuments from the historical part of Jewish cemetery in Alba Iulia3 . The project, initiated in 2014, is a research of the Jewish cemetery by the Department of History, Archaeology and Museology from “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, in partnership with Alba County Council, Jewish Community from Alba Iulia, Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania and Center for the Study of Jewish History in Romania. The project required planning the first restoration camp, focused on funerary monuments that were in an advanced state of degradation. The project was initiated by Associate Professor Mr. Daniel Dumitran. Appointed as supervisors for the restoration camp were Valentin Stefan and the undersigned Sidonia Olea (Neagoie).

the Jewish cemetery in Alba Iulia, funerary pieces, open-air museum, photographic documentation, conservation and restoration of the monument