Viziunea artistică şi comunicarea – creatorul şi mesajul artei sale
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2024-03-10 15:34
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7.011 (121)
Общая теория искусства. Философия искусства. Эстетика. Проблемы эстетического вкуса. Принципы композиции, пропорции, зрительных эффектов (109)
SM ISO690:2012
RUSU, Marinela. Viziunea artistică şi comunicarea – creatorul şi mesajul artei sale. In: Probleme ale științelor socioumanistice și modernizării învățământului, Ed. 22, 8-9 octombrie 2020, Chişinău. Chişinău: CEP UPS „I.Creangă”, 2020, Seria 22, Vol.4, pp. 265-270. ISBN 978-9975-46-449-9; 978-9975-46-453-6.
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Probleme ale științelor socioumanistice și modernizării învățământului
Seria 22, Vol.4, 2020
Conferința "Probleme ale științelor socioumanistice și modernizării învățământului"
22, Chişinău, Moldova, 8-9 octombrie 2020

Viziunea artistică şi comunicarea – creatorul şi mesajul artei sale

CZU: 7.011

Pag. 265-270

Rusu Marinela
Institutul de Cercetari Economice şi Sociale “Gheorghe Zane” , Iaşi
Disponibil în IBN: 5 ianuarie 2021


The present paper offers a theoretical approach to the arguments that justify that art is an efficient form of communication. Theories and experiments that scientifically support this idea are described. Also, the paper presents the importance of decoding the message of the work of art by its creator himself. Only the title or the imagery of a artwork are sometimes not enough to convey its real message, so an effective communication can sometimes be difficult. Even if an artist assumes that his work "speaks for itself", he may be surprised that many art consumers will require articulation of his creative vision. The paper analyzes the key competences for 21st century art creators – "The Four C" (Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication and Collaboration), according to Susan Galiano's theory (2016). Every creator is under the imperative to learn how to communicate effectively. He must always be the greatest advocate for his own work, and the lack of communication skills only risks misunderstandings and missed opportunities.

art, communication, artistic vision, artwork, creator / creativity