The bioclimatic stress due to overcooling in the southern Dobrudjan tableland area
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551.586(498) (2)
Метеорология. Климатология (490)
SM ISO690:2012
IONAC, Nicoleta, GRIGORE, Elena. The bioclimatic stress due to overcooling in the southern Dobrudjan tableland area. In: Present Environment and Sustainable Development , 2012, nr. 2, pp. 235-246. ISSN 1843-5971.
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Present Environment and Sustainable Development
Numărul 2 / 2012 / ISSN 1843-5971 /ISSNe 2284-7820

The bioclimatic stress due to overcooling in the southern Dobrudjan tableland area

CZU: 551.586(498)

Pag. 235-246

Ionac Nicoleta, Grigore Elena
University of Bucharest
Disponibil în IBN: 17 iulie 2020


The present study on the bioclimatic cold stress in the Southern Dobrudjan Tableland area analyzes the time and space distribution of some specific bioclimatic indices, such as the Wind-Chill Index and the Winter Scharlau Index, revealing the area extent and intensity of the bioclimatic risk due to cold exposure. By using the monthly mean values of air-temperature (0C) and humidity (%) or wind-speed (m/s) obtained from six weather stations, for a period of 30 years (1971-2000),we have calculated the corresponding specific values of the above-mentioned indices during the cold season (November-March), thus obtaining results fully concordant with the unanimously accepted global approaches, clearly showing that the bioclimatic stress due to overcooling generally intensifies with increasing wind-speeds along the Black Sea coast or with decreasing air-temperatures in central inland areas, due to the great radiative heat losses of the terrestrial active surface and the absence of the heat income from the warmer water surface of the Black Sea.

bioclimatic indices, space and time distribution, bioclimatic stress due to overcooling, Southern Dobrudjan Tableland area

DataCite XML Export

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<creatorName>Grigore, E.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea din Bucureşti, România</affiliation>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The present study on the bioclimatic cold stress in the Southern Dobrudjan Tableland area analyzes the time and space distribution of some specific bioclimatic indices, such as the Wind-Chill Index and the Winter Scharlau Index, revealing the area extent and intensity of the bioclimatic risk due to cold exposure. By using the monthly mean values of air-temperature (0C) and humidity (%) or wind-speed (m/s) obtained from six weather stations, for a period of 30 years (1971-2000),we have calculated the corresponding specific values of the above-mentioned indices during the cold season (November-March), thus obtaining results fully concordant with the unanimously accepted global approaches, clearly showing that the bioclimatic stress due to overcooling generally intensifies with increasing wind-speeds along the Black Sea coast or with decreasing air-temperatures in central inland areas, due to the great radiative heat losses of the terrestrial active surface and the absence of the heat income from the warmer water surface of the Black Sea.</p></description>