Reformele din sectorul financiar din Republica Moldova – de la virtual la real
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2023-10-18 02:39
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similare conform CZU
336.76(478) (17)
Денежное обращение. Банковское дело. Биржи (787)
SM ISO690:2012
MĂRGINEANU, Aureliu, COBZARI, Ludmila. Reformele din sectorul financiar din Republica Moldova – de la virtual la real. In: Dezvoltarea economico-socială durabilă a euroregiunilor şi a zonelor transfrontaliere, 10 noiembrie 2017, Iași, România. Iași, România: Performantica, 2017, Vol.30, pp. 331-335. ISBN 978-606-685-554-9.
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Dublin Core
Dezvoltarea economico-socială durabilă a euroregiunilor şi a zonelor transfrontaliere
Vol.30, 2017
Conferința "Dezvoltarea economico-socială durabilă a euroregiunilor şi a zonelor transfrontaliere"
Iași, România, Romania, 10 noiembrie 2017

Reformele din sectorul financiar din Republica Moldova – de la virtual la real

The reforms in the financial sector in Republic of Moldova: from virtual to real

CZU: 336.76(478)
JEL: G1, E5, H6

Pag. 331-335

Mărgineanu Aureliu, Cobzari Ludmila
Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 14 aprilie 2020


Since Republic of Moldova gained independence in 1991, the economic reform intentions were a constant of the political speech, however successes in the matter of essential transformations were not registered. With some exceptions in the banking sector in the '90s, the government couldn't assume the responsibility and, respectively, the related costs of promoting some cardinal changes. The reforms of creating a functional market economy can not be realized without supporting some social costs. This "losses" were unavoidable and would have been smaller compared to the advantages generated by creation of a competitive economy, which would have assured a durable and quality development. The lack of involvement in achieving profound transformations generated a situation in which the national economy accumulated structural and functional imbalances. As a result, at the moment Republic of Moldova has a social-economical situation that can hardly be qualified "satisfying".

reform, functional market, financial sector, competitive economy, cost, bank credit, foreign exchange market, commerce, prices