
Afișare rezultate

SM ISO690:2012
Afisarea articolelor -19-0(2) pentru cuvîntul-cheie "larva migrans visceralis."
Monoinvasion with toxocara canis in children
Plăcintă Gheorghe12
1 ”Nicolae Testemițanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy,
2 Toma Ciorba Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases
Moldovan Medical Journal
Nr. 2(61) / 2018 / ISSN 2537-6373 /ISSNe 2537-6381
Disponibil online 11 July, 2018. Descarcări-14. Vizualizări-720
Evolution of the toxocariasis monoinvasion in comparison with the toxocariasis associated with other parasites in children
Plăcintă Gheorghe12, Ştirbu Tatiana13, Tovba Lidia1
1 ”Nicolae Testemițanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy,
2 Toma Ciorba Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases,
3 Municipal Clinical Children’s Hospital of Infectious Diseases
Moldovan Medical Journal
Nr. 1(61) / 2018 / ISSN 2537-6373 /ISSNe 2537-6381
Disponibil online 18 April, 2018. Descarcări-3. Vizualizări-771

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