Lista publicaţiilor: Mazur T. P. - 5

2016 - 1

The biomorphological peculiarities and types of “traps” of carnivorous plants of O. V. Fomin Botanical Garden collection
Didukh A., Mazur T. P., Didukh M. Ya.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Revista Botanică
Nr. 1(12) / 2016 / ISSN 1857-2367 / ISSNe 2587-3814
Disponibil online 2 December, 2016

2015 - 1

“Marshland” exposition for rare and endangered spicies of carnivorous plant collection of O.V. Fomin botanical garden
Didukh A., Mazur T. P., Didukh M. Ya.
O. V. Fomin Botanical garden, Kiev Taras Shevchenko University
Conservation of plant diversity
Ediția 4. 2015. Chișinău. Gradina Botanica (Institut). 19-19.
Disponibil online 13 May, 2019

2014 - 2

The complex research of introduction plants of Nymphaea gigantea HOOK
Mazur T. P., Nuzhyna N., Didukh A.
O. V. Fomin Botanical garden, Kiev Taras Shevchenko University
Revista Botanică
Nr. 1(8) / 2014 / ISSN 1857-2367 / ISSNe 2587-3814
Disponibil online 8 December, 2014
The complex research of introduction plants of Nymphaea gigantea hook
Mazur T. P., Nujina N. V., Diduc A. Ia.
Ботанический сад имени А. В. Фомина Киевского национального университета имени Тараса Шевченко
Conservation of plant diversity
Ediția 3. 2014. Chișinău. Gradina Botanica (Institut). 99-100.
Disponibil online 20 May, 2019

2010 - 1

Complex study of Nuphar Smith generus in Ukraine
Didukh M. Ya., Mazur T. P.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Conservation of plant diversity
Ediția 1. 2010. Chișinău. Gradina Botanica (Institut). 161-169.
Disponibil online 17 June, 2020

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