
Afiliat la Universitatea de Ştiinţe Aplicative din Moldova

2008 - 2

The automated system of the rhythm analysis of the educational process in a higher educational institution on the basis of aprioristic data
Pelin Nicolae , Mironov Vladimir
Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods (JAQM)
Vol. 3, Nr. 3 / 2008 / ISSN 1842-4562
Disponibil online 2 May, 2023
Formalization of Indistinct Expert Representations about the Object of Research
Pelin Nicolae
Informatica Economică
Nr. 3(47) / 2008 / ISSN 1453-1305 / ISSNe 1842-8088
Disponibil online 14 May, 2023

2007 - 1

Models and systems for structurization of knowledge in training
Pelin Nicolae , Pelin Serghei
Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods (JAQM)
Vol. 2, Nr. 4 / 2007 / ISSN 1842-4562
Disponibil online 2 May, 2023

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