
Afiliat la Universitatea Christian- Albrechts din Kiel

2017 - 1

Localized Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanowires and Fabrication of High Performance Nanosensors Based on a Single Fe2O3 Nanowire
Lupan Oleg , Postica Vasile , Wolff Niklas , Polonskyi Oleksandr , Duppel Viola , Kaidas Victor , Lazari Eugeniu , Ababii Nicolai , Faupel Franz , Kienle Lorenz , Adelung Rainer
Nr. 16(13) / 2017 / ISSN 1613-6810 / ISSNe 1613-6829
Disponibil online 13 February, 2023

2016 - 1

Non-planar nanoscale p-p heterojunctions formation in ZnxCu1-xOy nanocrystals by mixed phases for enhanced sensors
Lupan Oleg , Creţu Vasilii , Postica Vasile , Polonskyi Oleksandr , Ababii Nicolai , Schutt Fabian , Kaidas Victor , Faupel Franz , Adelung Rainer
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical
Nr. 230 / 2016 / ISSN / ISSNe 0925-4005
Disponibil online 5 December, 2022

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