Lista publicaţiilor în perioada: 1994-2024, Iran - 2
Revista: Journal of Applied Physics

2018 - 2

Statistical analysis of yield and yield related traits of garden cress (Lepidium sativum L.) accessions
Sabaghnia Naser , Janmohammadi Mohsen
University of Maragheh
International congress on oil and protein crops
2018. Chișinău, Republica Moldova. ISBN 978-9975-3178-5-6.
Disponibil online 4 September, 2019
Seed oil quality in safflower populations derived from interspecific hybridization
Espanani Soheila , Perez-Vich Begona , Majidi Mohammad Mahdi , Velasco Leonardo
Isfahan University of Technology,
Institute for Sustainable Agriculture
International congress on oil and protein crops
2018. Chișinău, Republica Moldova. ISBN 978-9975-3178-5-6.
Disponibil online 3 September, 2019

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