
Despre revistă
Domenii ştiinţifice
Anul fondării  2007
Institutul de Ecologie şi Geografie
Tirajul revistei   100
Vizibilitate internațională
Caracteristica articolelor
Limba de publicare
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2023-03-30 17:36
Colegiul de redacţie
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Numărul curent

  Vol. 17 / Nr. 2 / 2023  (2 din 2)1    
 2023  (2 din 2)17    
Vol. 17, nr. 2 1
Nr. 1(R) 16CZU
 2022  (2 din 2)10    
Nr. 2 6CZU
Nr. 1 4CZU
 2021  (1 din 2)1    
Nr. 2 1CZU
 2020  (2 din 2)26    
Nr. 2 1CZU
Nr. 1 25CZU
 2019  (2 din 2)44    
Nr. 2 23CZU
Nr. 1 21CZU
 2018  (2 din 2)46    
Nr. 2 21CZU
Nr. 1 25CZU
 2017  (2 din 2)40    
Nr. 2 20CZU
Nr. 1 20CZU
 2016  (2 din 2)40    
Nr. 2 20CZU
Nr. 1 20CZU
 2015  (2 din 2)40    
Nr. 2 20CZU
Nr. 1 20CZU
 2014  (2 din 2)40    
Nr. 2 20CZU
Nr. 1 20CZU
 2013  (1 din 2)2    
Nr. 2 2CZU
 2012  (2 din 2)76    
Nr. 2 41CZU
Nr. 1 35CZU
 2011  (2 din 2)2    
Nr. 2 1CZU
Nr. 1 1CZU
 2010  (1 din 2)2    
Nr. 4 2CZU
 2009  (1 din 2)1    
Nr. 3 1CZU
 2008  (1 din 2)2    
Nr. 2 2CZU
 2007  (2 din 2)4    
Nr. 2 1CZU
Nr. 1 3CZU

pISSN: 1843-5971
eISSN: 2284-7820
Present Environment and Sustainable Development

În ajutorul Colegiului de redacție în procedura de evaluare a revistei.
Notă: Descărcați formularele și completați cu datele lipsă.
Disponibil în IBN pentru perioada:
2007 - 2023

Vizualizări   668Descărcări   77

Conţinutul numărului de revistă

Evaluation of thermal comfort degree in canicular days - record for the republic of Moldova’s territory 5-10

CZU: 551.583.16(478)

Nedealcov Maria , Nedealcov Zaharia
Home range and habitat selection of the Sardinian wildcat (Felis silvestris libyca) in an area of Southern Sardinia 11-20

CZU: 599.742.7:591.5

Murgia Carlo , Murgia Andrea
Estimation of the ecological state of the territory on the landscapse basis - on the exemple of Hertse district in Chernivtsi region, Ukraina 21-26

CZU: 504.54:911.9(477)

Gutsuleak Vasyl , Tanasiuk M.
Considerations regarding the anthropized pedogenesis in the carpato – danubiano – pontic area. 27-34

CZU: 631.4(4)

Jigău Gheorghe , Chişlari Ecaterina
Тhe conceptual principles of medical and ecological researches in the context of medical geography 35-38

CZU: [911.3:61+911.9:614.1](477)

Gutsuleak Vasyl , Nakonechny K. , Andriychuk N.
Republic of Moldova’s zonation by climatic risk level 39-46

CZU: [911.3+911.9]:551.582(478)

Nedealcov Maria , Răileanu Valentin , Cojocari Rodica , Crivova Olga
Soil protection of Republic Moldova in the context of sustainable development 47-57

CZU: 631.4(478)

Leah Tamara
Forest ecosystems in Republic of Moldova: evolution, problems and solutions 59-73

CZU: 630*1(478)

Cocîrţă Petru
Learning geography in the classroom or to distastance? 75-79

CZU: 37.016:91

Sabo Helena Maria , Jinjig Ivana
Ambient well-being parameters in the indoor spaces of office buildings. case study 81-93

CZU: 551.584.6:681.518.3

Ionac Nicoleta , Mihoc Adrian-Cătălin , Tăbleţ Paula
Sustainable development and the protection of environmental factors – fundamental objectives of the Marrakech agreement concerning the creation of the world trade organization 95-102

CZU: 504.06+339.54:061.1(100)GATT

Durac Gheorghe , Ţiţ Nicolae-Horia
The bioclimatic stress due to overheating in the southern Dobrudjan tableland area 103-112

CZU: 551.586(498)

Ionac Nicoleta , Grigore Elena
Present problems regarding urban road traffic noise and mitigation possibilities 113-125

CZU: 504.055:656.1(498)

Ardeleanu Theodora , Ghindă Theodor
Curent trends of forest areas designed to protect biodiversity at global and regional 127-143

CZU: 630*1(498)

Rusu Eugen
Selenium in soils of the Danube Delta north-western part 145-156

CZU: 631.41(498)

Lăcătușu Radu , Stanciu-Burileanu Mihaela-Monica , Râşnoveanu Ion , Lăcătușu Anca-Rovena , Rizea Nineta , Vrânceanu A. , Lazăr Rodica
Environmental protection improvement possibilities for small hydropower plant projects 157-167

CZU: [504.06+556.5](498)

Ghindă Theodor , Ardeleanu Theodora
Disparities in municipal waste management across EU-27. a geographical approach 169-180

CZU: 504.064.4:628.4.02+911.9:504.06

Mihai Florin-Constantin , Apostol Liviu
Heat waves: meteorological characteristics and biometeorological influences (Case study: Romania, 14-16TH July 2011) 181-194

CZU: [551.583+551.586](498)(091)

Ionac Nicoleta , Tăbleţ Paula , Mihoc Adrian-Cătălin
Analysis of gaseous pollutants in the atmosphere of Botosani town 195-204

CZU: 504.064:628.5(498)

Apostol Liviu , Vieru Nicoleta-Delia , Vieru Paul-Narcis
Is the bioclimate of Suceava plateau comfortable or uncomfortable? analysis based on tee and thi 205-216

CZU: 551.586(498-21)

Teodoreanu Elena , Mihăilă Dumitru
Evolution of water resources in floodplains of embanked rivers 219-227

CZU: 556.51:556.161

Vlad Lăcrămioara Mirela , Deliu Petru , Bartha Iosif
Is the bioclimate of the Suceava plateau comfortable or uncomfortable? analysis based on wind cooling power index and skin and lung stress index 229-251

CZU: 551.586(498-21)

Teodoreanu Elena , Mihăilă Dumitru
The impact of mining industry on the landscape of Maramureş county 253-260

CZU: 504.06:622.01(498)

Vasilescu Ileana , Smical Irina , Pop Ioan
A local approach of some phenomena with climatic effects at the global level. Case study: Piatra neamt town 261-274

CZU: 551.583

Letos Dumitru , Letos Cristina
Implications and interpretations of corridor and axis development 275-284

CZU: 911.375:711.4(4)

Iurea Daniela
Oscillations and cycles of air temperature in the United States 285-297

CZU: 551.583(73)

Isaia Ion
Dead wood – an important issue for forest biodiversity conservation 299-308

CZU: 502.7:630*18(498)

Măciucă Anca
Water quality of some drinking water sources in rural area of Botosani county 309-317

CZU: 628.1.033(498-22)

Vieru Paul-Narcis , Sîncu Iolanda , Vieru Nicoleta-Delia
Contribution of environmental protections specialists to sustainable local and regional development in Romania 319-324

CZU: 911.9:504.06(498)

Petrişor Liliana Elza , Petrisor Alexandru-Ionuț
Spects of the fog phenomenon in Bacau city 325-340

CZU: 551.575(498-22)

Capsa Doina , Nedeff Valentin , Faciu Ema , Lazar Gabriel , Lazar Iulia , Barsan Narcis
Factors that increase dryness phenomenon on small rivers in Prut basin (analysis of conditionalities) 341-351

CZU: 504.453:556.5(498)

Vartolomei Florin
Dynamics of the environmental transformation processes during 1990 – 2006 in Romania reflected by land cover and use changes 353-365

CZU: 504.03(498)"1990-2006"

Petrisor Alexandru-Ionuț
Reusable enerygy, major preocupation for the reduction of the environment’s pollution 367-376

CZU: [620.97+504.06](498)

Rusan Nicolae
Some thermic differences in the southern metropolitan area of Iaşi 377-393

CZU: 551.524(498-21)

Alexe Costel
Thermic differenciations in the Iaşi municipality during a heat wave. Case study july 10-20 2011 395-404

CZU: 551.583(498-21)"2011"

Apostol Liviu , Alexe Costel , Sfîcă Lucian