
Afiliat la National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow

2019 - 1

Low dose rate effects in bipolar devices during long-term operation space electronic systems
Pershenkov Vyacheslav , Bakerenkov Alexander , Felitsyn Vladislav , Rodin Alexander , Telets Vitaliy , Belyakov Vladimir , Zhukov Alexander
Electronics, Communications and Computing
Editia 10. 2019. Chișinău, Republica Moldova. . 55-55.
Disponibil online 8 November, 2019

2015 - 2

Numerical estimation of the radiation hardness of bipolar integrated circuits in various irradiation conditions of space environment
Bakerenkov Alexander , Pershenkov Vyacheslav , Rodin Alexander , Felitsyn Vladislav , Miroshnichenko A.
Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering
Editia 3. 2015. . Springer. 125-125.
Disponibil online 17 April, 2019
The circuit method for decreasing of sensitivity to ASET effect for bipolar operational amplifiers
Lebedev Alexandr , Felitsyn Vladislav , Komleva V. , Komlev A.
Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering
Editia 3. 2015. . Springer. 122-122.
Disponibil online 16 April, 2019

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