Prospects for the utilization of the prairie cordgrass spartina pectinata for bioenergy production in Moldova
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581.522.4:620.352(478) (1)
Habiturile plantelor. Comportamentul plantelor. Ecologia plantelor. Etologia plantelor. Plantele şi mediul lor. (183)
Nanotehnologie (45)
SM ISO690:2012
DOROFTEI, Veaceslav, ABABII, Alexei, ŢIŢEI, Victor, GADIBADI, Mihail, SÎRBU, Tatiana, CEREMPEI, Valerian, GUDIMA, Andrei, NAZAR, Boris, DARADUDA, Nicolae, LUPAN, Aurelia. Prospects for the utilization of the prairie cordgrass spartina pectinata for bioenergy production in Moldova. In: Biology and sustainable development, Ed. 20, 24-25 noiembrie 2022, Bacău. Bacău, Romania: 2022, Ediția 20, pp. 88-89.
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Biology and sustainable development
Ediția 20, 2022
Simpozionul "Biology and sustainable development"
20, Bacău, Romania, 24-25 noiembrie 2022

Prospects for the utilization of the prairie cordgrass spartina pectinata for bioenergy production in Moldova

CZU: 581.522.4:620.352(478)

Pag. 88-89

Doroftei Veaceslav1, Ababii Alexei1, Ţiţei Victor1, Gadibadi Mihail1, Sîrbu Tatiana1, Cerempei Valerian1, Gudima Andrei2, Nazar Boris2, Daraduda Nicolae2, Lupan Aurelia1
1 National Botanical Garden (Institute) "Alexandru Ciubotaru",
2 State Agrarian University of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 14 decembrie 2022


Prairie cordgrass Spartina pectinata Bosc ex Link, Poaceae Family, a productive C4 perennial rhizomes grass native to North America, has the freezing and frost tolerance required for a higherlatitude bioenergy crop. This research was aimed at evaluating the biomass energy indices of the Spartina pectinata, grown in monoculture in collections of the National Botanical Garden (Institute) Chişinău. The physical and mechanical properties of dry biomass and biosolid fuel were determined according to the national standards in Laboratory of Biosolid Fuel SAUM, cell wall components have been determined by NIRS technique PERTEN DA 7200 of the Research and Development Institute for Grassland Braşov, Romania. It has been determined that prairie cordgrass biomass had excellent gross calorific value (19.5-19.7 MJ/kg). The net calorific value and durability of solid fuel was significantly higher than corn stems fuel. The analysis of cell wall components revealed that Spartina pectinata substrates contained 453 g/kg cellulose, 294 g/kg hemicellulose, 82 g/kg acid detergent lignin and the estimated theoretical ethanol yield averaged 552 L/t as compared with 485 L/t in corn stems substrate. The investigated prairie cordgrass introduced taxa, may be use as multi-purpose feedstock for renewable energy production in Republic of Moldova.

biomass, cell wall components, Solid fuel, Spartina pectinata, theoretical ethanol potential