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715 3 |
Ultima descărcare din IBN: 2020-03-26 17:46 |
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SM ISO690:2012 MOLOŞNIC, Petru, NEAGU, Vasile. On compactness of some integral operators with Cauchy kernels. In: Acta et commentationes (Ştiinţe Exacte și ale Naturii), 2018, nr. 2(6), pp. 117-123. ISSN 2537-6284. |
EXPORT metadate: Google Scholar Crossref CERIF DataCite Dublin Core |
Acta et commentationes (Ştiinţe Exacte și ale Naturii) | ||||||||
Numărul 2(6) / 2018 / ISSN 2537-6284 /ISSNe 2587-3644 | ||||||||
CZU: 517.5+517.9 | ||||||||
MSC 2010: 34G10 | ||||||||
Pag. 117-123 | ||||||||
Descarcă PDF | ||||||||
Rezumat | ||||||||
In this paper, it is proved that the integral operator S* - S is compact if the contour of integration is of the Lyapunov type. An example is brought to show that this property of the operator S* - S becomes false if the contour of integration has angular points. |
Cuvinte-cheie singular integral operator, compact operator, piecewise Lyapunov contour, operator integral singular, operator compact, contur Lyapunov pe porțiuni |
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