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SM ISO690:2012 CRĂCIUNESCU, Adrian. Autenticitatea – un factor neabordat de legislaţia internă, dar determinant în evaluarea UNESCO. In: Plural. History, Culture, Society, 2018, nr. 2, pp. 41-62. ISSN 2345-1262. |
EXPORT metadate: Google Scholar Crossref CERIF DataCite Dublin Core |
Plural. History, Culture, Society | |||||||||
Numărul 2 / 2018 / ISSN 2345-1262 /ISSNe 2345-184X | |||||||||
CZU: 008(498) | |||||||||
Pag. 41-62 | |||||||||
Descarcă PDF | |||||||||
Rezumat | |||||||||
Among the evaluation criteria used by the UNESCO, „authenticity” is among the most important but It is actually almost completely absent in our legislation for built heritage. The most important deficiency in the monument scheduling methodology is ignoring the idea of authenticity, limited only to a relatively vague formula in its 8th article which states that value is influenced by the „the proportion of the component elements resulted from the interventions made after the moment of building”. In this hypothesis, there is a relative contradiction with a thesis of the restoration doctrine, namely the one stating that all stages of a monument are relevant so that they can only be eliminated only in specific situations highlighted by the Venice Charter. In the operational guidelines of World Heritage Committee, there are a few articles dedicated to authenticity and integrity, which are not actually mentioned in the text of the World Heritage Convention. Ideas associated with the preservation of heritage that are resulting from the recent evolution of doctrinaire texts, such as „compromise” or „management of change”, have led to ideological confrontations even within ICOMOS, the international organization responsible for scientifically and professionally assessing the authenticity and integrity of the heritage covered by the international convention. In our specific cultural customs, is difficult to distinguish what is authentic when weighing value if we have no terms of reference. The opposite of „authentic” is „non-authentic,” which not always may be „false”. We often speak of „duplicate”, „reproduction” or „facsimile” in movable heritage. As falsification is a criminal act, it should be well defined if drastic consequences are also desirable, especially in the context of the many forms of present ways of restoring heritage. Still, there is no example of any architect working as a modern Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc being sanctioned as forger. In order to distinguish between different categories of reproduction, some differences must be pointed out and better defined. A copy can only be reproduction more or less accurate of an original, executed by its direct observation, always with a legitimate purpose, with marking identifying the copy, knowing the author, the date or the number of the copy when copies are multiple. A replica is that reproduction of an original that was made not by its direct observation or of an original which might not even exist anymore. The source of the information of a replica could then be a copy of an original or some documentary data of an original (photographs, drawings, or perhaps precise descriptions in historic documents). The result is inevitably a distortion of the original in both cases. The counterfeit is that copy or replica presented as an original, having an exquisite craftsmanship and using as accurately as possible materials and techniques identified in other similar historic objects certified as authentic. The operational guidelines of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee speak not only about the material part. In articles 82 and 83 one can discover the Nara Document on authenticity taken as such, including reference to notions such as „spirit and feeling”. All conceptual problems related to the appreciation of the level of authenticity are essentially linked to the observation made by Francoise Choay, namely that „authenticity emanates from an institutional authority” which identifies it and establishes it. If so, we must also note that the act of authentication by an authority coincides with the inclusion of the specific object of the built cultural heritage into the register of monuments. Since this event is a punctual on, it can become the time origin of the record of the historical monument, the starting point institutional protection as a cultural asset, „T zero”. Having such a temporal point of origin, we can also eliminate the conceptual conflict between scrupulous preservation and the management of change. The two aspects can be interpreted more clearly by considering that anything recorded in the documentation of the „T zero” moment will become the subject of special attention in preserving the physical substance of the building along with its conception in authentic and unaltered form and, in the same way, the management of change will refer strictly to any other interventions occurred after this moment of defining the protected cultural values. This idea is already highlighted in the Preliminary Theses of the Cultural Heritage Code, which outlined 10 principles. The Sixth Principle (of Authenticity) states that „The protection of cultural heritage aims at preserving and transmitting the cultural resource to future generations in its authentic and unaltered form.” |
Cuvinte-cheie authenticity, copy, replica, forgery, authority, doctrine, management of change., replica, autenticitate, copie, fals, autoritate, doctrină, gestionarea schimbării. |
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