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SM ISO690:2012 RUSNAC, Svetlana, MARȚINIUC, Victoria. Orientarea spre performanță și satisfacția în muncă ale angajaților din generațiile X, Y, Z. In: EcoSoEn, 2023, nr. 2, pp. 32-51. ISSN 2587-344X. DOI: |
EXPORT metadate: Google Scholar Crossref CERIF DataCite Dublin Core |
EcoSoEn | |||||||||
Numărul 2 / 2023 / ISSN 2587-344X /ISSNe 2587-425X | |||||||||
DOI: | |||||||||
CZU: 316.4 | |||||||||
Pag. 32-51 | |||||||||
Descarcă PDF | |||||||||
Rezumat | |||||||||
The research presented in this article was carried out in order to determine the differences between the factors of satisfaction and work engagement, related to the particularities of performance/success assessment by employees representing generations X, Y, Z. The basic hypothesis stated the presence of differences between the factors and the modality of performance and satisfaction in work among representatives of generations X, Y, Z. The research group was made up of 79 people selected from a financial organization: 18 people – from generation X; 35 people – from generation Y; 26 people – from Generation Z. Three experimental hypotheses were verified. The first hypothesis was confirmed, the statistical comparison of job satisfaction parameters among employees from generations X, Y and Z highlights significant differences between the manifestation of interest in work, satisfaction with relations with employees and managers, with working conditions, the level of expectations in professional activity, professional responsibility and general job satisfaction. These results provide an insight into how different generations perceive and feel about various aspects of their work. The second hypothesis was also confirmed, between the employees of generations X, Y and Z, statistically significant differences were calculated in various fields of work, such as the attitude towards contemporary technologies, axiological condition, orientation towards success and existential experiences. These differences reflect different perceptions and valuations of aspects of the work environment and performance. Within the statistical correlation between the parameters of job satisfaction and the conditions necessary for performance, direct dependence relationships were identified between: satisfaction with management relationships and existential experiences; professional dedication and reflexive-technological, reflexive-axiological styles; satisfaction with work conditions and reflexive-axiological style, existential experiences; indirect correlations between satisfaction with co-workers and praxiological, moral experiences, satisfaction with management relationships, professional aspirations and orientation towards success; professional dedication and reflexive-ontological style. Most positive correlations were calculated for professional responsibility and technological reflexive, axiological reflexive styles, instrumental qualities and success orientation, life beliefs, practical, moral and existential experiences. This statistical calculation illustrates the strength of the organization – the responsibility of employees. |
Cuvinte-cheie generation, generations X, Y, Z, job satisfaction, Job Performance, human resource management, generaţie, generațiile X, Y, Z, satisfacția în muncă, performanţă în muncă, managementul resurselor umane |