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SM ISO690:2012 POPESCU, Liliana, BULGARU, Viorica, SIMINIUC, Rodica. Effects of lactose hydrolysis and milk type on the quality of lactose-free yoghurt. In: Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2022, vol. 29, nr. 4, pp. 164-175. ISSN 2587-3474. DOI: |
EXPORT metadate: Google Scholar Crossref CERIF DataCite Dublin Core |
Journal of Engineering Sciences | ||||||||||
Volumul 29, Numărul 4 / 2022 / ISSN 2587-3474 /ISSNe 2587-3482 | ||||||||||
DOI: | ||||||||||
CZU: 637.146.34:637.144 | ||||||||||
Pag. 164-175 | ||||||||||
Descarcă PDF | ||||||||||
Rezumat | ||||||||||
The purpose of the work was to investigate the influence of different lactose hydrolysis processes, the contribution of the enzyme and the milk type on the characteristics of the obtained lactose-free yogurt. The analysis was performed on non-hydrolyzed yogurt (control sample), the pre-hydrolyzed yogurt (that was hydrolyzed before fermentation), and the co-hydrolyzed yogurt (concurrent addition of β-galactosidase and starter culture). According to the obtained results, at the end of the fermentation time, an advanced hydrolysis degree was reached (over 80%) both for yogurt samples obtained from pre-hydrolyzed milk and obtained by co-hydrolysis. The optimal method from the economic point of view is to obtain yogurt by co-hydrolysis. The sensory quality of the yogurt samples obtained from hydrolyzed milk by co-hydrolysis was characterized by a better flavor than the control sample, for yogurt from both types of milk. This may be due to the availability of a greater amount of glucose for the production of aromatic compounds, a sweeter taste than natural yogurt, with a light caramel flavor, a firm coagulum, a porcelain appearance, without whey removal. Cow's milk yogurt showed higher viscosity values to goat's milk yogurt for both pre-hydrolyzed and co-hydrolyzed milk. Lactose hydrolysis determined the reduction of the syneresis index of the yogurt compared to the control samples. The studies led to the development of lactose-free yogurt with improved sensory and rheological properties recommended for people with lactose intolerance. |
Cuvinte-cheie co-hydrolysis, pre-hydrolysis, β-galactosidase, Fermentation, lactose, yogurt, co-hidroliză, pre-hidroliză, β-galactozidază, fermentație, lactoză, iaurt |
DataCite XML Export
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <resource xmlns:xsi='' xmlns='' xsi:schemaLocation=''> <identifier identifierType='DOI'>10.52326/jes.utm.2022.29(4).13</identifier> <creators> <creator> <creatorName>Popescu, L.</creatorName> <affiliation>Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, Moldova, Republica</affiliation> </creator> <creator> <creatorName>Bulgaru, V.I.</creatorName> <affiliation>Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, Moldova, Republica</affiliation> </creator> <creator> <creatorName>Siminiuc, R.I.</creatorName> <affiliation>Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, Moldova, Republica</affiliation> </creator> </creators> <titles> <title xml:lang='en'>Effects of lactose hydrolysis and milk type on the quality of lactose-free yoghurt</title> </titles> <publisher>Instrumentul Bibliometric National</publisher> <publicationYear>2022</publicationYear> <relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType='ISSN' relationType='IsPartOf'>2587-3474</relatedIdentifier> <subjects> <subject>co-hydrolysis</subject> <subject>pre-hydrolysis</subject> <subject>β-galactosidase</subject> <subject>Fermentation</subject> <subject>lactose</subject> <subject>yogurt</subject> <subject>co-hidroliză</subject> <subject>pre-hidroliză</subject> <subject>β-galactozidază</subject> <subject>fermentație</subject> <subject>lactoză</subject> <subject>iaurt</subject> <subject schemeURI='' subjectScheme='UDC'>637.146.34:637.144</subject> </subjects> <dates> <date dateType='Issued'>2022-12-29</date> </dates> <resourceType resourceTypeGeneral='Text'>Journal article</resourceType> <descriptions> <description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The purpose of the work was to investigate the influence of different lactose hydrolysis processes, the contribution of the enzyme and the milk type on the characteristics of the obtained lactose-free yogurt. The analysis was performed on non-hydrolyzed yogurt (control sample), the pre-hydrolyzed yogurt (that was hydrolyzed before fermentation), and the co-hydrolyzed yogurt (concurrent addition of β-galactosidase and starter culture). According to the obtained results, at the end of the fermentation time, an advanced hydrolysis degree was reached (over 80%) both for yogurt samples obtained from pre-hydrolyzed milk and obtained by co-hydrolysis. The optimal method from the economic point of view is to obtain yogurt by co-hydrolysis. The sensory quality of the yogurt samples obtained from hydrolyzed milk by co-hydrolysis was characterized by a better flavor than the control sample, for yogurt from both types of milk. This may be due to the availability of a greater amount of glucose for the production of aromatic compounds, a sweeter taste than natural yogurt, with a light caramel flavor, a firm coagulum, a porcelain appearance, without whey removal. Cow's milk yogurt showed higher viscosity values to goat's milk yogurt for both pre-hydrolyzed and co-hydrolyzed milk. Lactose hydrolysis determined the reduction of the syneresis index of the yogurt compared to the control samples. The studies led to the development of lactose-free yogurt with improved sensory and rheological properties recommended for people with lactose intolerance.</p></description> <description xml:lang='ro' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>În articol a fost investigată influența diferitelor procese de hidroliză a lactozei, tipul enzimei și a laptelui asupra caracteristicilor iaurtului fără lactoză. Analiza a fost efectuată pe iaurt nehidrolizat (probă martor), iaurt pre-hidrolizat (care a fost hidrolizat înainte de fermentare) și iaurt co-hidrolizat (adăugarea concomitentă de β-galactozidază și cultura starter). Conform rezultatelor obţinute, la sfarşitul timpului de fermentaţie s-a atins un grad avansat de hidroliză (peste 80%) atît în cazul probelor de iaurt obţinute din lapte pre-hidrolizat cît şi în cazul celui obţinut prin co-hidroliză. Metoda optima, din punct de vedere economic, este obţinerea iaurtului delactozat prin co-hidroliză. Calitatea senzorială a probelor de iaurt obținute din laptele hidrolizat prin co-hidroliză a fost caracterizată printr-o aromă mai bună decât proba martor. Acest lucru se poate datora disponibilității unei cantități mai mari de glucoză pentru producerea de compuși aromatici, un gust mai dulce decât iaurtul natural, cu o aromă ușoară de caramel, un coagul ferm, un aspect de porțelan, fără separare de zer. Iaurtul din lapte de vacă a prezentat valori mai mari ale vâscozităţii în comparaţie cu iaurtul din lapte de capră atât pentru laptele pre-hidrolizat, cât și pentru cel co-hidrolizat. Hidroliza lactozei a determinat reducerea indicelui de sinereză al iaurtului comparativ cu probele martor. Studiile au condus la dezvoltarea iaurtului fără lactoză, cu proprietăți senzoriale și reologice îmbunătățite, recomandat persoanelor cu intoleranță la lactoză.</p></description> </descriptions> <formats> <format>application/pdf</format> </formats> </resource>