European cultural policy – targets and objectives
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008(4) (11)
Цивилизация. Культура. Прогресс (837)
SM ISO690:2012
ROŞCA, Simion. European cultural policy – targets and objectives. In: Relaţii internaţionale. Plus, 2020, nr. 2(18), pp. 121-133. ISSN 1857-4440. DOI:
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Relaţii internaţionale. Plus
Numărul 2(18) / 2020 / ISSN 1857-4440 /ISSNe 2587-3393

European cultural policy – targets and objectives

CZU: 008(4)

Pag. 121-133

Roşca Simion
Academy “Stefan cel Mare” of MIA of the Republic of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 5 decembrie 2021


The author of the study aims to capitalize on the experience of the European Union in managing collaboration in the field of culture, in support of intercultural dialogue, in the field of education. Culture is the patron of the European identity, the justifying agent of the internal and external policy, of the actions regarding the behavior of the national authorities and of the leaders of the community institutions. Culture is a component of the social system, it determines all the other components and is in turn determined by them. Culture is also analyzed from the perspective of its use as a means of economic growth, representing a key element in the process of European construction, being the link between peoples and between citizens who consider that they have a common culture. Estimating the role of culture in ensuring the functioning of the European institutions, allows the author to highlight the importance of a balanced policy, developed and implemented based on two principles: reciprocity and flexibility. In conclusion, the author argues that cultural policy, inevitably oriented in the future, has the potential to keep organizations in its constantly evolving sphere.

cultural policy, cultural diversity, cultural and creative sector, cultural identity, cultural strategies, European integration