
Despre revistă
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Anul fondării  2018
Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei
Tirajul revistei   100
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Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-06-25 08:55
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Numărul curent

  Vol. 7 / Nr. 2 / 2024  (2 din 4)14    CZU
 2024  (2 din 4)29    
Vol. 7, nr. 214CZU
Vol. 7, nr. 115CZU
 2023  (4 din 4)57    
Vol. 6, nr. 413CZU
Vol. 6, nr. 315CZU
Vol. 6, nr. 215CZU
Vol. 6, nr. 114CZU
 2022  (4 din 4)62    
Vol. 5, nr. 414CZU
Vol. 5, nr. 315CZU
Vol. 5, nr. 218CZU
Vol. 5, nr. 115CZU
 2021  (4 din 4)60    
Vol. 4, nr. 413CZU
Vol. 4, nr. 315CZU
Vol. 4, nr. 215CZU
Vol. 4, nr. 117CZU
 2020  (4 din 4)55    
Vol. 3, nr. 417CZU
Vol. 3, nr. 314CZU
Vol. 3, nr. 213CZU
Vol. 3, nr. 111CZU
 2019  (4 din 4)45    
Vol. 2, nr. 412CZU
Vol. 2, nr. 311CZU
Vol. 2, nr. 212CZU
Vol. 2, nr. 110CZU
 2018  (2 din 4)38    
Vol. 1, nr. 213CZU
Vol. 1, nr. 125CZU

pISSN: 2587-3490
eISSN: 2587-3504
  • B+ (20.02.2021-20.02.2025)
  • C (28.02.2020-20.02.2021)
Pagina web: http://jss.utm.md
Email: [email protected]
Telefon: (+373)22509960
Fax: (+373)22509960
Adresa: 9/9, Studenţilor Str., nr. 5 block of study, 5-315

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Notă: Descărcați formularele și completați cu datele lipsă.
Disponibil în IBN pentru perioada:
2018 - 2024

Vizualizări   418Descărcări   31

Conţinutul numărului de revistă

Sustainable development of construction contractors of the Republic of Moldova in the context of waste generation and processing6-15

DOI: 10.52326/jss.utm.2023.06(1).01

CZU: 658.567:69(478)

Gheorghiţă Maria , Stratila Alina
Quality management and its impact on entrepreneurial activity16-24

DOI: 10.52326/jss.utm.2023.06(1).02

CZU: 658.5:338.242.2

Ţurcan Iuliu , Ţurcan Rina
The impact of advanced management accounting methods on the quality of financial reporting: the case of the Jordanian banking system25-38

DOI: 10.52326/jss.utm.2023.06(1).03

CZU: 657.4:336.7(569.5)

Filali Tarek
The artistic path of Dumitru Trifan in the field of satirical graphics39-48

DOI: 10.52326/jss.utm.2023.06(1).04

CZU: 75(478)

Adascalița (Crigan) Lucia
Interior design in the renovation, modernization and aesthetic editing of the museum of history and ethnography in Ungheni49-57

DOI: 10.52326/jss.utm.2023.06(1).05

CZU: 069.29(478)

Platon Liliana , Cebanița Ilie
Quality assurance in higher education institutions through the risk management integration58-68

DOI: 10.52326/jss.utm.2023.06(1).06

CZU: 378.1:005.334

Cotelnic Ala
The power of eLearning from promises to practices applied in engineering69-80

DOI: 10.52326/jss.utm.2023.06(1).07

CZU: 378.016:004:62(478)

Peca Ludmila
Biophilic design: the case for Malta81-95

DOI: 10.52326/jss.utm.2023.06(1).08

CZU: 725:331.101.3(458.2)

Farrugia Gabrielle , Bianco Lino
Conceptual reframing of the socialization process from the mentoring activity perspective96-106

DOI: 10.52326/jss.utm.2023.06(1).09

CZU: 316:37.01

Gogoi Elena , Lozovanu Ecaterina
The abuse exercise of the right to strike107-115

DOI: 10.52326/jss.utm.2023.06(1).10

CZU: 331.109.3:342.729

Pojar Daniela
Legal implications for incomplete criminal sanctions norms in lieu of fines for corporations in spatial planning crimes in Indonesia116-126

DOI: 10.52326/jss.utm.2023.06(1).11

CZU: 343:711(594)

Syafardan Denny Zul , Sudarsono Sudarsono , Sugiri Bambang , Koeswahyono Imam
Legal protection for adopted children in Indonesia through court determination127-135

DOI: 10.52326/jss.utm.2023.06(1).12

CZU: 347.633(594)

Wibawa Vinaricha Sucika , Sudarsono Sudarsono , Hidayantina Shinta
Principles of law enforcement activity by public authorities136-145

DOI: 10.52326/jss.utm.2023.06(1).13

CZU: 340.132.6

Manţuc Elena
Challenges and trends in the development of gluten-free products Review of the monograph146-147
Săvescu Petre , Chirsanova (Calcatiniuc) Aurica