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Ultima descărcare din IBN: 2024-08-14 16:34 |
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81’42:659 (1) |
Lingvistică. Limbi (5223) |
Publicitate. Informare. Relații cu publicul (398) |
SM ISO690:2012 ENICOV, Cristina. Actorii comunicării în discursul publicitar. In: Philologia, 2019, nr. 5-6(305-306), pp. 98-104. ISSN 1857-4300. DOI: |
EXPORT metadate: Google Scholar Crossref CERIF DataCite Dublin Core |
Philologia | |||||||||
Numărul 5-6(305-306) / 2019 / ISSN 1857-4300 /ISSNe 2587-3717 | |||||||||
DOI: | |||||||||
CZU: 81’42:659 | |||||||||
Pag. 98-104 | |||||||||
Descarcă PDF | |||||||||
Rezumat | |||||||||
The communicative nature of the advertising discourse at the present time is not in doubt. The article treats the advertising discourse as the product of a specific communication situation, the advertising communication. The participants in the advertising communication act are analyzed, such as: the sender, the recipient, the channel and the message. It is specified that this is a communication situation and a very particular written interaction, which cannot be reduced to the general language communication schemes. |
Cuvinte-cheie speech, advertising discourse, advertising communication, message, sender, recipient, discurs, discurs publicitar, comunicare publictară, mesaj, emiţător, destinatar |
Dublin Core Export
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc='' xmlns:oai_dc='' xmlns:xsi='' xsi:schemaLocation=''> <dc:creator>Enicov, C.</dc:creator> <dc:date>2019-01-27</dc:date> <dc:description xml:lang='en'><p>The communicative nature of the advertising discourse at the present time is not in doubt. The article treats the advertising discourse as the product of a specific communication situation, the advertising communication. The participants in the advertising communication act are analyzed, such as: the sender, the recipient, the channel and the message. It is specified that this is a communication situation and a very particular written interaction, which cannot be reduced to the general language communication schemes.</p></dc:description> <dc:description xml:lang='ro'><p>Natura comunicativă a discursului publicitar la ora actuală nu este pusă la îndoială. Articolul tratează discursul publicitar ca produsul unei situații de comunicare specifice, comunicarea publicitară. Sunt analizați participanții la actul de comunicare publicitar, cum ar fi: emițătorul, destinatarul, canalul și mesajul. Este specificat faptul că este vorba de o situaţie de comunicare și de o interacţiune scrisă foarte particulară, care nu poate fi redusă la schemele generale de comunicare lingvistică.</p></dc:description> <dc:identifier>10.5281/zenodo.3566694</dc:identifier> <dc:source>Philologia 305-306 (5-6) 98-104</dc:source> <dc:subject>speech</dc:subject> <dc:subject>advertising discourse</dc:subject> <dc:subject>advertising communication</dc:subject> <dc:subject>message</dc:subject> <dc:subject>sender</dc:subject> <dc:subject>recipient</dc:subject> <dc:subject>discurs</dc:subject> <dc:subject>discurs publicitar</dc:subject> <dc:subject>comunicare publictară</dc:subject> <dc:subject>mesaj</dc:subject> <dc:subject>emiţător</dc:subject> <dc:subject>destinatar</dc:subject> <dc:title>Actorii comunicării în discursul publicitar</dc:title> <dc:type>info:eu-repo/semantics/article</dc:type> </oai_dc:dc>