Inventory of mercury releases in the Republic of Moldova
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SM ISO690:2012
TUGUI, Tatiana, ECHIM, Tatiana, EFROS-BUJOR, Natalia, ŢĂRANU, Marius, GINDEA, Nadejda. Inventory of mercury releases in the Republic of Moldova. In: Ecological and environmental chemistry : - 2017, Ed. 6, 2-3 martie 2017, Chișinău. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova: Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 2017, Ediția 6, p. 62.
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Ecological and environmental chemistry
Ediția 6, 2017
Conferința "Ecological and environmental chemistry 2017"
6, Chișinău, Moldova, 2-3 martie 2017

Inventory of mercury releases in the Republic of Moldova

Pag. 62-62

Tugui Tatiana, Echim Tatiana, Efros-Bujor Natalia, Ţăranu Marius, Gindea Nadejda
Environmental Pollution Prevention Office, Ministry of Environment, Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 7 martie 2019


This paper summarizes the research results on development national inventory on Mercury releases, elaborated by Environmental Pollution Prevention Office within the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova (EPPO) in the frames of the project UNEP/GEF Project: “Enabling activity development of Minamata initial assessment in the Republic of Moldova”. This inventory was performed in accordance with UNEP's "Toolkit for identification and quantification of mercury releases", Inventory Level 2 (version 1.03, April 2015), customized to national circumstances and based on mass balances for each mercury release source sub-category. The article contains relevant information about “mercury inputs to society” that should be understood as the mercury amounts made available for potential releases through economic activity in the country. This includes mercury intentionally used in products such as thermometers, blood pressure gauges, fluorescent light bulbs, etc. It also includes mercury mobilized via extraction and use of raw materials which contains mercury in trace concentrations, as well on releases arise from the energy sector, production of cement, lime and light weight aggregates and, waste management. The key mercury releases here are releases to air (the atmosphere), to water (marine and freshwater bodies, including via waste water systems), to land, to general waste, and to sectors specific waste. The preliminary results for inventory reference year 2014 shows the preliminary data of calculated Hg output is approximately 1000 Kg/y, the following categories presenting the main releases: Consumer products with intentional use of mercury (whole life cycle) (35%); Other intentional product/process use (6%); Waste deposition/landfilling and waste water treatment (30%); Waste incineration and burning (15%);Extraction and use of fuels/energy sources (5%) ; Production of other minerals and materials with mercury impurities (5%); Reference data that has been collected using the official data of the Republic of Moldova for all the sectors / categories concerned, that comprises of the Statistical Yearbooks, Energy Balances, import-export data provided by the customs office and other sectoral publications and official requests submitted to various national institutions and business entities. The obtained results offer the opportunity to assist the Government of the Republic of Moldova, through the Ministry of Environment, to prepare the ground to ratify the Minamata Convention on Mercury in Moldova and to build national capacity to meet reporting and other obligations un-der the Convention.

Minamata Convention on Mercury, mercury emission and releases, waste disposal sites, mercury inputs to society, mercury containing product