Gândirea geopolitică a lui Anton Golopenţia
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SM ISO690:2012
STRĂUŢIU, Eugen. Gândirea geopolitică a lui Anton Golopenţia. In: Moldoscopie, 2011, nr. 1(52), pp. 54-60. ISSN 1812-2566.
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Numărul 1(52) / 2011 / ISSN 1812-2566 /ISSNe 2587-4063

Gândirea geopolitică a lui Anton Golopenţia

Pag. 54-60

Străuţiu Eugen
Disponibil în IBN: 29 iulie 2013


The geopolitician Anton Golopenţia formed as a sociologist in the German school has established himself as a key figure of the interwar Romanian geopolitical school. It has been noticed through the local monograph of a Bessarabian village, the sociological investigations carried out in the Romanian villages east of the Bug (1941-1943) and academic contributions on the Romanian geopolitics domain. A.Golopenţia is linking geopolitics and sociology; in foreign policy decision- making the following factors are essential: the economic element, population density, ethnic groups constituting the population and, ultimately, the country in question. Those elements are in an indissoluble unity, making sense of that state evolution.

geopolitică, statistică, sociologie, etnologie,

potenialul statelor