Basarabia la 1828: procese demografice, structuri sociale și confesiuni religioase. (Descrisă într-un memoriu prezentat instituţiilor imperiale ruse) (Partea I)
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292 12
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2024-04-20 21:35
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94(478):314+2"1828" (1)
Istoria Moldovei. Republica Moldova (69)
Istoria lumii antice (48005)
Istoria generală (3962)
SM ISO690:2012
TOMULEŢ, Valentin. Basarabia la 1828: procese demografice, structuri sociale și confesiuni religioase. (Descrisă într-un memoriu prezentat instituţiilor imperiale ruse) (Partea I). In: Latinitate, Romanitate, Românitate, Ed. 5, 5-6 noiembrie 2021, Chișinău. Chișinău: Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2022, Ediția 5, pp. 266-294. ISBN 978-9975-159-60-9.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Latinitate, Romanitate, Românitate
Ediția 5, 2022
Conferința "Latinitate, Romanitate, Românitate"
5, Chișinău, Moldova, 5-6 noiembrie 2021

Basarabia la 1828: procese demografice, structuri sociale și confesiuni religioase. (Descrisă într-un memoriu prezentat instituţiilor imperiale ruse) (Partea I)

Bessarabia in 1828: demographic processes, social structures and religious confessions (Described in a memorandum to the Russian imperial institutions) (Part I)

CZU: 94(478):314+2"1828"

Pag. 266-294

Tomuleţ Valentin
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 28 septembrie 2022


The author analyzes a memorandum from 1828, kept in the Chancellery Fund of the governor of Bessarabia (ANRM, F. 2, inv. 1, d. 1199, f. 1-69 verse), presented by the regional institutions of the imperial administration of St. Petersburg, after the suppression of the limited temporary autonomy of Bessarabia, based on the Regulation of February 29, 1828. The memorandum, which includes several tables describing the economic, social and religious situation of Bessarabia in 1828, is accompanied by a rather detailed commentary on the tables, which is more like a report, which the regional institutions presented annually at Petersburg starting with 1842 (at the beginning the data referring to the population included information for entire Bessarabia, and starting with 1847 – for each county center and for every county). The memorandum includes data on the area of the counties, the total number of the population divided by sex, social categories (nobles, clergy, peasants, members of szlachta, foreign colonists, the poor), the number of houses, in addition to those in urban areas included in this statistic, the number of localities in each county, depending on the number of houses (households), the surface of arable land, pastures, forests etc. Of particular interest are the compartments dedicated to the state of cities, different branches of rural and urban households: animal husbandry, agricultural development, handicrafts and various craft branches, factories and plants, internal and external trade, the moral character of the population, denominations. Quite valuable are the detailed comments (69 pages written on both sides) with reference to the 10 tables, attached at the end of the memorandum, which give us the opportunity to understand the processes that took place in Bessarabia during this time.

Bessarabia, Russian Empire, memorandum, socio-economic situation, Statistics, social categories, population