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739.071.1(478)(091) (1) |
Arte plastice (438) |
![]() CONDRATICOVA, Liliana. Prelucrarea artistică a metalelor din RSS Moldovenească și Republica Moldova: nume uitate sau mai puțin știute. In: Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă „Akademos”, 2021, nr. 1(60), pp. 146-152. ISSN 1857-0461. DOI: |
EXPORT metadate: Google Scholar Crossref CERIF DataCite Dublin Core |
Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă „Akademos” | ||||||||
Numărul 1(60) / 2021 / ISSN 1857-0461 /ISSNe 2587-3687 | ||||||||
DOI: | ||||||||
CZU: 739.071.1(478)(091) | ||||||||
Pag. 146-152 | ||||||||
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Rezumat | ||||||||
The main purpose of our approach is to analyze the activity of craftsmen (artisans) in the field of artistic metal processing in the second half of the twentieth century – the beginning of the twenty-first century. The work of the artists includes various decorative boards representing village life, heroes of folk tales and agricultural work, emphasizing the impact of folk art on the subjects approached by decorative craftsmen. Jewelry, being a relatively apolitical field, is represented by necklaces with pendants, earrings, brooches, rings, all made of noble metals and fine, ornamental pebbles. Based on archival documents, exhibition catalogs and interviews with artists who used to make jewelry and various metal plates, was presented relevant information regarding the activity of craftsmen whose names were recently revealed (Alexei Marco, Gheorghe Cojusnean, Vladimir Calasnicov, Vladimir Vasilkov etc.). Also, in the scientific circuit were introduced new, forgotten or less known names: Vasili Sochin, Iuri Terehov, Natalia Vavilina and others. The evocation of their creation comes to complete the general picture of the evolution of decorative art, implicitly of the artistic processing of metals from the Moldovan SSR and the Republic of Moldova |
Cuvinte-cheie visual artist, art, jewelry, decorative plaque, artistic processing of metals, technology, artist plastic, artă, bijuterie, plachetă decorativă, prelucrarea artistică a metalelor |
Dublin Core Export
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc='' xmlns:oai_dc='' xmlns:xsi='' xsi:schemaLocation=''> <dc:creator>Condraticova, L.E.</dc:creator> <dc:date>2021-06-07</dc:date> <dc:description xml:lang='en'><p>The main purpose of our approach is to analyze the activity of craftsmen (artisans) in the field of artistic metal processing in the second half of the twentieth century – the beginning of the twenty-first century. The work of the artists includes various decorative boards representing village life, heroes of folk tales and agricultural work, emphasizing the impact of folk art on the subjects approached by decorative craftsmen. Jewelry, being a relatively apolitical field, is represented by necklaces with pendants, earrings, brooches, rings, all made of noble metals and fine, ornamental pebbles. Based on archival documents, exhibition catalogs and interviews with artists who used to make jewelry and various metal plates, was presented relevant information regarding the activity of craftsmen whose names were recently revealed (Alexei Marco, Gheorghe Cojusnean, Vladimir Calasnicov, Vladimir Vasilkov etc.). Also, in the scientific circuit were introduced new, forgotten or less known names: Vasili Sochin, Iuri Terehov, Natalia Vavilina and others. The evocation of their creation comes to complete the general picture of the evolution of decorative art, implicitly of the artistic processing of metals from the Moldovan SSR and the Republic of Moldova</p></dc:description> <dc:description xml:lang='ro'><p>Scopul demersului nostru constituie analiza activității meșterilor din domeniul prelucrării artistice a metalelor care au profesat în a doua jumătate a secolului al XX-lea – începutul secolului al XXI-lea. Creația acestora include cupe, vase, panouri și plăci decorative cu imagini evocând viaţa satului, muncile agricole, eroii poveştilor populare, subliniind impactul artei populare și a folclorului asupra artiștilor. Bijuteriile de autor sunt reprezentate prin coliere cu pandantive, cercei, broșe, inele, realizate din metale nobile și pietre fine, ornamentale. În baza documentelor de arhivă, a cataloagelor expoziționale și interviurilor realizate cu artiștii plastici sunt inserate informații relevante privind activitatea meșterilor scoși anterior din anonimat (Alexei Marco, Gheorghe Cojușnean, Vladimir Calașnicov, Vladimir Vasilkov ș.a.), precum și introduse în circuitul științific nume noi, uitate sau mai puțin cunoscute: Vasili Șochin, Iuri Terehov, Natalia Vavilina ș.a. Evocarea creației acestora vine să completeze tabloul general al evoluției artei decorative, implicit a prelucrării artistice a metalelor din RSS Moldovenească și Republica Moldova.</p></dc:description> <dc:identifier>10.52673/18570461.21.1-60.20</dc:identifier> <dc:source>Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă „Akademos” 60 (1) 146-152</dc:source> <dc:subject>visual artist</dc:subject> <dc:subject>art</dc:subject> <dc:subject>jewelry</dc:subject> <dc:subject>decorative plaque</dc:subject> <dc:subject>artistic processing of metals</dc:subject> <dc:subject>technology</dc:subject> <dc:subject>artist plastic</dc:subject> <dc:subject>artă</dc:subject> <dc:subject>bijuterie</dc:subject> <dc:subject>plachetă decorativă</dc:subject> <dc:subject>prelucrarea artistică a metalelor</dc:subject> <dc:title>Prelucrarea artistică a metalelor din RSS Moldovenească și Republica Moldova: nume uitate sau mai puțin știute</dc:title> <dc:type>info:eu-repo/semantics/article</dc:type> </oai_dc:dc>