The relationship between corruption, shadow economy and happiness. Survey on Romania
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SM ISO690:2012
ACHIM, Monica-Violeta, BATEA, Anca. The relationship between corruption, shadow economy and happiness. Survey on Romania. In: Competitiveness and sustainable development, Ed. 2nd edition, 20 noiembrie 2020, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: 2020, Editia 2, p. 42. ISBN 978-9975-45-652-4.
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Competitiveness and sustainable development
Editia 2, 2020
Conferința "Competitiveness and sustainable development"
2nd edition, Chişinău, Moldova, 20 noiembrie 2020

The relationship between corruption, shadow economy and happiness. Survey on Romania

Pag. 42-42

Achim Monica-Violeta, Batea Anca
Babeș-Bolyai University
Disponibil în IBN: 31 decembrie 2020


In this paper we address the issue related to the level of happiness in relation to acts of corruption and shadow economy in Romania. From our survey conducted on a sample of 101 respondents from Romania, we find that Romanian people does not link happiness to material issues in particular, but rather they see it as a consequence of having a families, professional and spiritual fulfilment, while money and property are last in this ranking. The average income that would make the respondents happy is on average 5,223 lei, an amount that they consider necessary to cover the needs of basis and activities that influence their development. Our findings reveal that the most corruption practices encountered in the public institutions refer to receiving money and gifts for services to which people are entitled followed by receiving money and gifts to favour someone. However, corruption and shadow economy are not perceived as very relevant in fully influencing the level of happiness they perceive.

happiness, money, corruption, Economy