
Afișare rezultate

SM ISO690:2012
Afisarea articolelor 1-2(2) pentru cuvîntul-cheie "pollinating insects"
The biology of flowering and the pollinating insects of the species Polygonum sachalinense F. Schmidt under the conditions of the Republic of Moldova
Cîrlig Natalia1, Cîrlig Tatiana2
1 Botanical Garden (Institute) of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova ,
2 Tiraspol State University
Revista Botanică
Nr. 1(12) / 2016 / ISSN 1857-2367 /ISSNe 2587-3814
Disponibil online 3 December, 2016. Descarcări-8. Vizualizări-911
Entomofaunistic study on the species Silphium perfoliatum L. in the Republic of Moldova
Cîrlig Natalia
National Botanical Garden (Institute) "Alexandru Ciubotaru"
Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy
Nr. 2(65) / 2022 / ISSN 2285-5785 /ISSNe 2285-5807
Disponibil online 15 August, 2023. Descarcări-0. Vizualizări-246

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