
Afiliat la Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol

2022 - 1

Center problem for cubic differential systems with the line at infinity of multiplicity four
Şubă Alexandru
Carpathian Journal of Mathematics
Vol. 38, / 2022 / ISSN 1584-2851 / ISSNe 1843-4401
Disponibil online 16 December, 2021

2020 - 1

Problem of the center for cubic differential systems with invariant straight lines, including the line at infinity, of total multiplicity five
Şubă Alexandru , Turuta (Poderioghin) Silvia
Сучаснi проблеми диференцiальних рiвнянь та їх застосування Матерiали мiжнародної наукової конференцiї, присвяченої 100-рiччю вiд дня народження професора С.Д. Ейдельмана
2020. Чернiвцi. Чернівецький національний університет імені Юрія Федьковича. 77-77.
Disponibil online 24 November, 2023

2019 - 3

Classification of cubic differential systems with a monodromic critical point and multiple line at infinity
Şubă Alexandru , Turuta (Poderioghin) Silvia
The Scientific Journal of Cahul State University “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” Economic and Engineering Studies
Nr. 2(6) / 2019 / ISSN 2587-313X / ISSNe 2587-3121
Disponibil online 31 March, 2020
Sisteme diferenţiale cubice cu un punct critic monodromic şi o dreaptă invariantă reală de multiplicitatea doi
Pîslaru Alexandru , Şubă Alexandru
Materialele conferinţei ştiinţifice a studenţilor
Ediția 68. 2019. Chişinău. Tipografia Universităţii de Stat din Tiraspol. 136-138.
Disponibil online 18 October, 2019
Center problem and classification of cubic differential systems with the line at infinity of multiplicity three and an invariant affine straight line of multiplicity two
Şubă Alexandru , Turuta (Poderioghin) Silvia
Proceedings IMCS-55The Fifth Conference of Mathematical Society of the Republic of Moldova
2019. Chișinău, Republica Moldova. "VALINEX" SRL. 150-153.
Disponibil online 28 November, 2019

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