
Lista articolelor cu rezumate în limba engleza


Die Hunnen kommen! Zur Deutung den Brandschuttschichten und Zerstörungshorizonten innerhalb der spätkaiserzeitlichen Fundstellen der Sântana de Mureş-Černjachov-Kultur (SMCK)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2023, nr. 2, 22-5. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Pierit-au avarii? o privire dinspre Europa de Răsărit

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2023, nr. 2, 40-23. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Despre problema datării mormântului Cx. 20A de la Pecica-Duvenbeck și a semnelor de cruce pe vasele ceramice din bazinul Dunării mijlocii

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2023, nr. 2, 60-41. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Radiocarbon dating of cremated bone samples from the site of the hungarian church at Păuca, Sibiu county

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2023, nr. 2, 79-61. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

The medieval church in Caransebes and the observance of the “historical truth” in the documents of the department of state security

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2023, nr. 2, 98-80. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

The medieval church in Caransebes and the observance of the “historical truth” in the documents of the department of state security

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2023, nr. 2, 98-80. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Cultural heritage under construction: exploring stakeholder perceptions of preventive archaeology in Romania

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2023, nr. 2, 117-99. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

1989 - Annus Mirabilis for the Moldavian SSR

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2023, nr. 1, 126-107. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Victor MORARU. La République de Moldova: les enjeux du passé, du présent et de l‛avenir- Chisinau: Tipografia Sirius, 2022 - 2nd revised edition. - 200 p. – ISBN 978-9975-4203-9-6

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2023, nr. 1, 185-180. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Émigrants et réviseurs scolaires dans la Valachie de la première moitié du XIXᵉ siècle: transfert intellectuel et construction nationale. Étude de cas: Ioan Maiorescu

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2023, nr. 1, 36-5. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Reframing the Lupeni Strike of 1929: State Intervention and Organized Labor in Romania’s Jiu Valley

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2023, nr. 1, 59-37. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

What Soviet Periodicals Can Tell Us About the Propaganda on the Women’s Service in the USSR’s Armed Forces (1941-1945)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2023, nr. 1, 87-60. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

April 9, 1989, as a Paradigmatic Event: “The Time we Live in Now Started That Night”1

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2023, nr. 1, 106-88. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

The Chronotopos of the 1990s: Trauma and Triumph in Georgian Literary Texts

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2023, nr. 1, 150-127. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Liberal Democracy in Estonia: Cracks behind the Seemingly Spotless Façade

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2023, nr. 1, 173-151. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

The Cultural and Nationalising Mission of Kindergarten Teachers in Southern Dobruja, 1914-1940The Cultural and Nationalising Mission of Kindergarten Teachers in Southern Dobruja, 1914-1940

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2022, nr. 2, 35-5. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

The Puppet and the Puppeteer: Deconstructing the Historiography on King Carol II and Miron Cristea, the Romanian Orthodox Patriarch

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2022, nr. 2, 57-36. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Tradition, Nationalism and Holocaust Memory: Reassessing Antisemitism in Post-Communist Romania

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2022, nr. 2, 84-58. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Soviet Politics of Memory in Southern Bessarabia and Northern Bukovyna: Representation of the Past and Mythmaking during World War II

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2022, nr. 2, 102-85. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Epurarea corpului didactic al Facultății de Medicină din Cluj în primul deceniu comunist

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2022, nr. 2, 130-103. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Responses to the Challenges of Perestroika and the Collapse of the Soviet Union in Moldova’s Russianspeaking cities

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2022, nr. 2, 151-131. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

The Orthodox Church and Education in Belarus as a Reflection of the Specific Pattern of Church-State Relations

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2022, nr. 2, 169-152. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Swords and daggers of early nomads from Transylvania and Southern Carpathians: Local varieties and continental trends

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2022, nr. 1, 69-34. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Reconstructing elites in late Hallstatt Ferigile group

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2022, nr. 1, 94-70. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Ball Brooches in the Age of Citizen Science

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2022, nr. 1, 114-95. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Social structures in Late Iron Age Transylvania. Archaeological evidence of social competition and hierarchy

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2022, nr. 1, 146-115. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Almgren 236 Fibulae from Poiana (Romania)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2022, nr. 1, 176-161. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Razboiul de pe Nistru si separatismul transnistrean: naratiuni contradictorii

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 2, 124-97. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Prezenta militara ruseasca in Republica Moldova prin prisma jurisprudentei CEDO

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 2, 42-28. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Suveranitatea Republicii Moldova intre razboi si pace

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 2, 27-8. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

The events of 1992 in the history textbook of Transnistrian schools

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 2, 236-215. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

The war on the Dniester versus the frozen conflicts in the post-Soviet space

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 2, 141-125. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Respectarea drepturilor omului în regiunea transnistreană a Republicii Moldova

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 2, 57-43. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Separatismul în spațiul post-sovietic, între seceră și ciocan

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 2, 71-58. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Escaladarea conflictelor regionale în spațiul post-sovietic. Cazul conflictului transnistrean

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 2, 83-72. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

29-ти летие начала гибридной агрессии РФ против Республики Молдова в приднестровье (1992 год) в сравнении с началом аналогичной гибридной агрессии РФ против Украины в Крыму и на Донбассе (2014 год)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 2, 96-84. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

România, Rusia și geopolitica conflictului transnistrean

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 2, 156-142. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Conflictul transnistrean în contextul reconfigurării ordinii mondiale

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 2, 167-157. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Abordarea conflictului transnistrean în stânga Nistrului și în lucrările proseparatiste

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 2, 177-168. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Retrospectiva știrilor false asupra evenimentelor din anul 1992 din regiunea transnistreană: abordări comparative

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 2, 191-178. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Războiul de pe Nistru în programele școlare și manualele de istorie din Republica Moldova (ciclul gimnazial)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 2, 202-192. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Războiul transnistrean reflectat în manualele de istorie din România. Cercetare istoriografică

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 2, 214-203. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

On Agency and Ramparts in the Lower Danube and Spain

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 1(S), 15-5. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Dimitrie Cantemir, the First Modern Historian Writing on the Romanian-Bulgarian State Founded by the Asan Brothers

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 1(S), 25-16. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Creation and Operation of Main Railways in Bukovina

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 1(S), 47-26. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Discursive Historical Continuities: Serbian Nationalist Discourse in the Printed Media on the Brink of the First Balkan War (1912) in Comparison with Today

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 1(S), 65-48. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Școala română din Paris (Fontenay-aux-roses) – file semnificative din istoria unei instituții românești dispărută în negura timpului

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 1(S), 83-66. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Трансформация этнического состава населения украинского Подунавья: к вопросу о переселении молдаван/румын на Дальний Восток (1947-1949 гг.)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 1(S), 102-84. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Heritage Valuation Driving Sustainability of Cultural Capital in Bishnupur in Eastern India

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 1(S), 115-103. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Recreational Centers in Chisinau in the Vision of Visual Artists

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 1(S), 129-116. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Лингвострановедческие параметры профессионально-отраслевой динамики современного специалиста

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 1(S), 139-130. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Toys between the Ludic and the Pedagogical Perspective in Late 19th Century Romania

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 1, 30-11. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Public Examinations in Romanian Secondary Schools at the End of the 19th Century and the Beginning of the 20th Century

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 1, 52-31. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Romanianization and Half-Hearted Concessions. The Last Four Years of German-Language Education in Southern Bessarabia (1936-1940)1

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 1, 71-53. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

“The Future Belongs to Engineers”? The “Production” of Engineers in Romania, 1881 – 1939*

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 1, 114-72. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Healthy Young Bodies of an (Un)healthy Nation: Physical Education and Discipline in Straja Țării (1934-1940)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 1, 140-115. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

De la separatism regional la centralizare: două proiecte legislative ale universitarilor clujeni privind reforma învățământului superior românesc după 1918

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 1, 157-141. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Les débuts hésitants de la soviétisation de la littérature française à l’Université de Bucarest (1948-1949). Les programmes analytiques comme instrument de contrôle

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 1, 179-158. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

The Humboldt Fellowships for Eastern Europe During the Cold War: Politics and Numbers

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 1, 204-180. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Recreational centers in Chisinau in the vision of visual artists

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2021, nr. 1, 129-116. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. A)

Inclusion vs. Exclusion. Overcoming Undemocratic Contextual Issues in Integrating Local Communities into Heritage Management and Conservation

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2020, nr. 2, 17-7. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Old Havana and the Impact of World Heritage in the Local Community: Gentrification, Inequality and Dissociation

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2020, nr. 2, 29-18. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Promotion of World Heritage Values: Experiences in St. Petersburg and Other Cities of Russia

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2020, nr. 2, 44-30. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Building Futures, Saving Pasts – Sustainable Development and Heritage Preservation the SPI Way

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2020, nr. 2, 55-45. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

World Heritage Watch – Strategic Goals, Achievements and Challenges after Four Years

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2020, nr. 2, 65-56. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Media Monitoring of the World Heritage Sites in Romania

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2020, nr. 2, 76-66. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

World Heritage Sites, Local Communities and Tourists

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2020, nr. 2, 90-77. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Immersing into the Past: An Augmented Reality Method to Link Tangible and Intangible Heritage

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2020, nr. 2, 102-91. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Woodland Values in Zagori, NW Greece (19th–21st Century): Between Heritage and History

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2020, nr. 2, 119-103. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Contexts and Concerns for Sustainability of Cultural Heritage Sites of Bishnupur

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2020, nr. 2, 130-120. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

An Analysis of Socialist Modernist Heritage in Romania and the Republic of Moldova through Case Studies: Utilitarian Buildings and Industrial Facilities

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2020, nr. 2, 141-131. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

One Hundred Years of Protecting the Cultural Heritage: The Lieber Code (1854) – The Hague Convention (1954)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2020, nr. 1, 16-9. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Recognizing Associative Values in World Heritage

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2020, nr. 1, 26-17. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

To Move and Reconstruct Monuments – Conflicts with Authenticity and Integrity

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2020, nr. 1, 47-27. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Who Are the Real Stakeholders of a Nominated UNESCO Site? A Glimpse into the Contextualisation of a Rather Scientific Approach to World Heritage Nominations

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2020, nr. 1, 60-48. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

From Ruins to Living History in a Roman Metropolis on the Danube. The Archaeological Park Carnuntum – European Heritage Label Award

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2020, nr. 1, 106-61. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

The World Heritage Convention and Romania. Case Study: the Dacian Fortresses of the Orăștie Mountains

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2020, nr. 1, 149-107. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Promoting and Capitalizing on the Vestiges from Sarmizegetusa Regia by Modern Multimedia Methods

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2020, nr. 1, 173-150. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

The Dacian Fortress of Căpâlna (Săsciori Commune, Alba County) – In Search of Lost Time (1999–2019)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2020, nr. 1, 193-174. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

The Frontiers of the Roman Empire in Eastern Dacia. Preliminary Results of Research Conducted in the Context of the Romanian National Limes Program

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2020, nr. 1, 226-194. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

State of Conservation and Periodic Reporting – A Way for Better Preservation and Sustainable Development of the World Heritage Sites

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2020, nr. 1, 242-227. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

A place of Life and Death. Burials and human bone finds in the Iron Age settlement at Saharna Mare / ”Dealul Mănăstirii”: archaeological data and anthropological analysis

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 2, 42-11. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

From Ultima Thule to the Hellespont – Some remarks on the bone points of the Iron Age

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 2, 52-43. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

The amazing architecture of the Dacians. Few thoughts concerning the use of mortars based on new analyses

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 2, 67-53. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

The settlement Komariv – glass-production centre in the European Barbaricum: a cultural and natural environment

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 2, 91-68. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

The specificity of the Scythian panoply of the Lower Danube

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 2, 110-92. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Fibulae with Canid Protome (Tierkopffibeln) in Romania

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 2, 128-111. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Notes on the origin and dating of the bone pyxides from the Sarmatian environment between the Don and the Prut

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 2, 155-129. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Non-invasive magnetometric prospection in forested area: the case study of Mirosław site 37 in Northwestern Poland

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 2, 167-156. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Orheiul Vechi: the results of recent geophysical surveys

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 2, 189-168. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Archaeoceramological analysis of the pottery from Orheiul Vechi and Butuceni-Vest settlements (Poieneşti-Lucaşeuca and Getic cultures)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 2, 225-190. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

500 de ani de la Reforma Protestantă – semnificația pentru societatea și democrația germană

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 1, 17-5. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Școala Română din Paris (Fontenay-aux-Roses) – file semnificative din istoria unei instituții românești dispărute în negura timpului

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 1, 33-18. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Preotul Anton Gabor şi rolul său în înfiinţarea Institutului Presa Bună

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 1, 42-34. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Considerații privind implicarea serviciilor secrete sovietice și a Cominternului în organizarea rebeliunii de la Tatar-Bunar

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 1, 59-43. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Loialitate în perioada extremelor: funcționarii publici din Basarabia în perioada celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial (1939-1945)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 1, 95-60. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Сoветская политика организованной миграции.Пример Молдавской ССР. часть II: 1956-1967 гг.

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 1, 118-96. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Analiza patrimoniului modernist-socialist în Republica Moldova prin patru studii de caz

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 1, 130-119. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Launching Agricultural Land Reform in Republic of Moldova

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 1, 138-131. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Challenges, competences, professions for the built heritage conservation in the contemporary world

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2018, nr. 2, 16-5. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

The Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (Paris, 1972) and Romania

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2018, nr. 2, 31-17. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Înscrierea siturilor românești în Lista patrimoniului mondial

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2018, nr. 2, 40-32. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Autenticitatea – un factor neabordat de legislaţia internă, dar determinant în evaluarea UNESCO

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2018, nr. 2, 62-41. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Evaluarea și monitorizarea siturilor înscrise în Lista patrimoniului mondial din România

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2018, nr. 2, 77-63. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Câteva observații privind administrarea cetăților dacice din Munții Orăștiei înscrise în Lista
patrimoniului mondial UNESCO

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2018, nr. 2, 111-78. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Cetățile dacice din Munții Orăștiei. Probleme actuale și perspective

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2018, nr. 2, 149-112. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Cetatea dacică de la Căpâlna (com. Săsciori, jud. Alba). După 19 ani… UNESCO

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2018, nr. 2, 169-150. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Frontiera Imperiului Roman din Dacia în drum spre Lista patrimoniului mondial UNESCO. Probleme și responsabilităţi pentru cercetarea arheologică, protecția patrimoniului și turism

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2018, nr. 2, 184-170. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Patrimoniul UNESCO – himeră, panaceu sau formă de normalitate?

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2018, nr. 2, 195-185. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Monitorizarea mass-mediei privind patrimoniul mondial din România. Considerații preliminare

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2018, nr. 2, 205-196. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Societate civilă și patrimoniu cultural în România.Proiectul „Ambulanța pentru monumente”

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2018, nr. 2, 215-206. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Frontiera Imperiului Roman și UNESCO. Observații pe marginea unui studiu recent apărut

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2018, nr. 2, 230-216. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Izvoarele sărate din România exploatate în neolitic și eneolitic. O propunere pentru Lista Patrimoniului Mondial

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2018, nr. 2, 242-231. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Chişinăul în anii primului război mondial: de la hotarul de vest al Imperiului rus la hotarul de Est al României Mari

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2018, nr. 1, 42-5. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

„Scenariile alternative” ale identității basarabene la începutul secolului al XX-lea: mobilizare etnică, românitate incertă și construcție națională într-o provincie de frontieră

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2018, nr. 1, 62-43. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

A Romanian Consul at the Margins of the Russian Empire: Gheorghe Forescu in Ismail (December 1916 – March 1918)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2018, nr. 1, 76-63. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Nation-Building, Revolution and the Advance of the Red Army Into Lithuania, 1918-1919

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2018, nr. 1, 97-77. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

The Centenary of Lithuania’s Independence: National Mobilization and Democracy Development throughout Modern Lithuanian History

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2018, nr. 1, 117-98. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

The specific features of the Getic fortifications in the Middle Dniester region (the Saharna and Horodişte-Ţipova micro-zones)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 2, 31-6. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Pottery found at the Horodca Mică and Ulmu Iron Age settlements – results of archaeoceramological analysis

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 2, 74-32. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Formation of the younger Pre-Roman Iron Age cultural model in Wielkopolska

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 2, 100-75. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Notes on the metal pyxides recently discovered in the Sarmatian environment south the Lower Mureș River

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 2, 123-101. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Archaeological research at Lipoveni II – La Nisipărie site (2013-2016)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 2, 163-124. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Antike Grabstörungen auf dem frühmittelalterlichen Gräberfeld Köln-Müngersdorf

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 2, 182-164. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Settlement Archaeology in Southern Scandinavia. Preconditions and Prospecting Methods

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 2, 198-183. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Die Tierknochenfunde von zwei Siedlungsplätzen der vorrömischen Eisenzeit bei Groß Luckow, Lkr. Vorpommern-Greifswald (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 2, 236-199. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Securitizing the past: a discussion on the connections between heritage and security

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 23-5. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Politica moștenirii culturale în Suedia: tradiții și practici ale unui management eficient

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 70-24. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Problems and perspectives of archaeological heritage management in intensively used agricultural landscapes – best-practice models from Saxony (Germany)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 84-71. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Bonding together the pasts: the mining of lime in Brazilian shell mounds

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 96-85. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

The role of corporate sectors in preserving archaeological and cultural heritage in India

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 105-97. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Arheologie subacvatică în România: competență, siguranță și legalitate în scufundarea arheologică

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 119-106. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Cultural heritage management: the Polish experience

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 141-120. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Le misure di protezione del patrimonio archeologico nella Repubblica di Moldavia

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 156-142. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

A European View of Selecting for Archaeological Archives

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 163-157. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Precucuteni-type ceramic artefacts from Transylvania (Romania)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 189-164. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Algorithm for puberty evaluation in juvenile idiopathic arthritis

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 11-8. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Aspecte evolutive ale epilepsiei la copii: tranziția de la copil la adult

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 12-12. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Tomografia cu coerență optică angiografică in artrita juvenilă idiopatică: reviu de literatură

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 31-24. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Bolile genetice și epilepsia (reviu de literatură)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 36-31. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Particularități neurogenetice în sindromul X-fragil (reviu de literatură)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 42-37. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Artralgia la copil – cutia Pandorei

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 44-43. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Pielonefrita xantogranulomatoasă la copil

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 47-45. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Aspecte clinico-paraclinice in rinichiul dublu la copii

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 49-48. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Sindromul doose: manifestările clinice și electroencefalografice. Revizuire sistematică

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 52-51. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Manifestările neurologice evolutive asociate cu infecția Covid-19 la copii

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 54-53. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Deficitul protein-energetic la copii cu boală cronică de rinichi

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 56-55. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Rolul hipertensiunii arteriale in progresia bolii cronice de rinichi la copii

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 58-57. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Sindromul hemolitic uremic atipic – diagnostic și opțiuni terapeutice

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 60-59. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Nefrocalcinoza la copiii prematuri

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 62-61. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Rinichi spongios medular – particularități clinice și de diagnostic

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 64-63. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Recurențele respiratorii versus dereglările imune sunt o provocare la copil cu varstă mică

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 66-65. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Evaluarea funcției cardiace in tratamentul de fond al artritei juvenile idiopatice

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 68-67. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Sindromul west: manifestările clinico-paraclinice sugestive pentru encefalopatiile epileptice

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 70-69. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Screeningul hepatiei virale B la gravide, tratamentul și profilaxia transmiterii verticale

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 72-71. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Afectarea renală la copii cu vasculite sistemice – experiența secției reumatologie pediatrică de nivel terțiar

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 74-73. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Evaluarea și managementul aritmiilor perioadei fetale şi neonatale

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 76-75. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Pediatric myocarditis following Covid-19 vaccine: what is the risk?

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 78-77. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

The importance of genetic diagnosis in the management of children with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 80-79. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Risk factors of asthma exacerbation in children

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 81-81. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Vaccinarea copiilor cu maladii alergice

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 83-82. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Microbiomul intestinal: noi perspective în boala celiacă

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 86-85. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Riscul evoluției complicate a pneumoniei la copiii cu malformații congenitale de cord – prezentare de caz clinic

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 92-87. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Bolile genetice și epilepsia

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2017, nr. 1, 94-93. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
165. Monede, castre şi schimburi comerciale în peninsula Balcanică (sec. VI – începutul sec. VII). Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2016, nr. 2, 26-5. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. C)
166. Transnational and entangled histories of National Socialism? The Turkish dimension of German interwar. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2016, nr. 2, 45-27. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. C)
167. Советская политика организованной миграции. Пример Молдавской ССР (1940-1971 гг.). Часть I: 1940-1941, 1944-1956 гг.. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2016, nr. 2, 80-46. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. C)
168. Rape in World War II film: comparing narrations. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2016, nr. 2, 94-81. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. C)
169. Как помнят Великую Отечественную в Армении: некоторые наблюдения. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2016, nr. 2, 105-95. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. C)
170. Leonid Brezhnev in Moldavia, 1950-52: the making of a GenSek?. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2016, nr. 2, 139-106. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. C)
171. Cultul personalității lui Nicolae Ceaușescu reflectat în marcarea unor sărbători naționale și internaționale. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2016, nr. 2, 155-140. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. C)
172. Scurtă istorie critică a relaţiilor bilaterale dintre România şi Republica Moldova (1991-2016). Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2016, nr. 2, 167-156. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. C)
173. Cu privire la sursele conflictelor internaţionale contemporane. Lecție inaugurală a anului academic 2016-2017, 1 septembrie 2016. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2016, nr. 2, 258-239. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. C)

Risks affecting the development of the information society in the republic of moldova: Insights from a delphi survey

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2016, nr. 2, 87-82. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. C)
175. «Двусмысленная» идентичность: ислам в учебниках «человек и общество» и история Азербайджана. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2016, nr. 1, 28-5. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
176. Twentieth century leaders in the Republic of Moldova history textbooks. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2016, nr. 1, 50-29. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
177. Как рассказывают национальную историю детям в Азербайджане. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2016, nr. 1, 72-51. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
178. Cultural Revival and the Persistence of Identity in Moldova: from the Folkloric Movement to Hospitality. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2016, nr. 1, 91-73. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
179. Putineşti, raionul Floreşti – eine Siedlung der Santana-de-Mureş-Kultur im Norden der Republik Moldau. Ein Vorbericht. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 16-7. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
180. A comparison between two migrations in the Byzantine Empire: the Goths and the Pechenegs. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 26-17. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
181. Королевский совет как орган сословного представительства в чешских землях в период правления династии Ягеллонов (1471–1526). Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 33-27. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
182. Râul Prut: de la geografie la istorie. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 60-34. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
183. Multiplicația sovietică în contextul socio-cultural al perioadei brejneviste. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 80-61. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
184. “Патриотический примордиализм”: воображение этничности и нации в постсоветском Азербайджане.Социологическое эссе. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 110-81. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
185. «Восточное партнерство»: актуальное состояние и ближайшие перспективы. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 119-111. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
186. Cum să transferi modele “europene” în Moldova? Reflectînd asupra motivelor de a stabili Programul Uniunii Europene Erasmus Mundus și de a participa în cadrul acestuia. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 147-120. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
187. Politica și identitatea națională ieri și azi. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 161-148. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Латеральный маркетинг как инструмент роста уровня инновационности продукта

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 11-8. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Уровень развития отраслей социального обслуживания на селе

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 27-24. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Совершенствование системы налогового администрирования Республики Молдова

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 30-29. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Теоретические подходы к формированию категории «экономическая безопасность»

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 43-40. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Продовольственная безопасность как залог достижения социально-экономической безопасности страны

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 59-56. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Раскрытие информации о связанных сторонах в бухгалтерской отчетности

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 86-83. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Reglementare tehnică pentru producătorii de băuturi alcoolice

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 96-93. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Анализ опыта проведения интерактивной лекции с cистемой оценивания результатов обучения

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 108-106. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Формирование гуманных отношнений у детей дошкольного возраста (посредством игровой деятельности)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 179-177. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Educația pentru timpul liber – factor de bază în formarea- dezvoltarea integrală a personalității elevului

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 190-188. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Planul de evaluare – o necesitate actuală în învăţămîntul preuniversitar

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 202-200. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Viziuni asupra comunicării asertive si a competenţei de comunicare asertivă în stiinţa psihopedagogică

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 224-221. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Роль англо-американских заимствований в немецком языке

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 228-226. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Problems in learning listening in multinational groups of students

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 249-247. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Сравнительный анализ методов перевода английских, немецких и русских пословиц

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 251-249. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Упражнения для обучения чтению иноязычного текста в неязыковом ВУЗе

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 284-282. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Om, orizont al misterelor- om, orizont al marilor virtuţi

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 290-287. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Translation in learning a foreign language

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 292-290. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Liviu Damian – sub zodia cenzurii

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 294-292. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Utopiile totalitariste ale modernităţii

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 2, 301-299. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
208. 1812 și crearea regiunii Basarabia: constituirea provinciei sub dominația imperială rusă. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 1, 33-19. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
209. 1878, înainte și după: construcție națională românească, politici imperiale ruse și viziuni ale alterității în Basarabia de sud. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 1, 51-34. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
210. Între imperiu și statul-națiune: metamorfoze ale elitei basarabene (1918). Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 1, 66-52. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
211. De la o “eliberare” la alta. Scriitorii basarabeni în primul an de putere sovetică (1940-1941): strategii de integrare și forme de încadrare.. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 1, 89-67. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
212. Basarabenii în viziunea administrației românești în a doua jumătate a anului 1941. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 1, 102-90. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
213. “Revoluția silențioasă”: revizuirea identității naționale în Moldova Sovetică la apogeul “dezghețului” lui Hrușciov (1956-1957). Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 1, 126-103. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
214. Rolul anului 1991 în destinul Republicii Moldova. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 1, 140-127. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
215. Anul 1924. Justificând separatismul: înființarea RASS Moldovenească și istoria politică în Republica Moldovenească Nistreană. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2015, nr. 1, 158-141. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
216. Алфавит, язык и идентичность в Бессарабии второй половины XIX — начала XX вв.. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2014, nr. 1-2, 24-5. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
217. Foreign and Security Policy of the Newly Independent States: Balancing between Two Power Centres. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2014, nr. 1-2, 32-25. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
218. Belarus and its Flight from Democracy: Political Discourse and the People’s Choice at the 1994 Presidential Elections. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2014, nr. 1-2, 53-33. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
219. Restless Russia. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2014, nr. 1-2, 63-54. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
220. Ethnic political mobilization: an integrative or disintegrative force in the modern polity? Case-studies of political mobilization by non-titular nations in Moldova, Estonia and Lithuania. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2014, nr. 1-2, 80-64. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
221. The Utopia of ‘Holy Russia’ in Today’s Geopolitical Imagination of the Russian Orthodox Church: a Case Study of Patriarch Kirill. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2014, nr. 1-2, 97-81. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
222. The evolution and features of the post-totalitarian political regime in the Republic of Moldova (1990 – 2012). Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2014, nr. 1-2, 117-98. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
223. Ускользающая современность: постсоветская модернизация Азербайджана. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2014, nr. 1-2, 147-136. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
224. Russian Identities and the Idea of International Society 20 Years after the Fall of the USSR. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2014, nr. 1-2, 135-118. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

The ivestigations of macroporosity in archaeological ceramics (by x-ray mCT technique)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2014, nr. 1-2, 15-14. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions for the Middle Palaeolithic of Vârghiş Gorges (Perşani Mountains, Romania), based on the small vertebrate fossil assemblages

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2014, nr. 1-2, 19-18. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Reindeer hunting during the Last Glacial Maximum in the Eastern Carpathians

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2014, nr. 1-2, 24-23. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

Female figures in Neolithic and Eneolithic Sardinia. Considerations about an island in the Mediterranean context

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2014, nr. 1-2, 25-25. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

New data regarding a bronze hoard from Vaslui County

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2014, nr. 1-2, 43-42. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

The investigation of raw materials for the manufacture of early Iron Age (11th- 7th cent. BC) pottery from the settlements of the Dniester river basin

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2014, nr. 1-2, 47-46. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

The multidisciplinary approach to pottery and iron artefact investigations from the Saharna-Mare site of the Dniester river region

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2014, nr. 1-2, 48-47. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )

From Athens to Sardinia: Attic figured pottery in Sardinian contexts

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2014, nr. 1-2, 48-48. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
233. Patrimoniul arheologic național: politici, documentare, acces. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2013, nr. 1-2, 36-7. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
234. Cultura Poieneşti-Lucaşeuca: o succintă retrospectivă istoriografică a interpretărilor etnoarheologice. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2013, nr. 1-2, 52-37. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
235. Un sujet historiographique et ses dimensions idéologiques: le territoire de la Moldavie et la frontière du sud du royaume Galicie-Volhynie selon les historiens et les archéologues Soviétiques Moldaves. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2013, nr. 1-2, 66-53. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
236. Imunitatea în raporturile dintre domnie și mănăstirile Moldovei (secolele XV-XVI). Pentru o abordare interdisciplinară a problemei. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2013, nr. 1-2, 92-67. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
237. Русско-Турецкие Войны и Образование Бессарабской Области (1812-1822): Политика Автономии и Колонизация. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2013, nr. 1-2, 103-93. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
238. Între „orientalism” şi obiectivitate: etnografia rusă şi Basarabia în a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2013, nr. 1-2, 119-104. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
239. Les fêtes – instrument de justification du discours politique dans les sociétés totalitaires. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2013, nr. 1-2, 130-120. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
240. Peasants’ perceptions of Jewish life in interwar Bessarabia and how this became interwoven into the Holocaust. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2013, nr. 1-2, 148-131. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
241. Mobilitate socială și limite de aparat: observații pe marginea poveștii vieții unui intelectual moldovean din epoca sovietică târzie. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2013, nr. 1-2, 163-149. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
242. Memory Politis in a Multiethnic City: the case of Vilnius. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2013, nr. 1-2, 179-164. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
243. Partition and Post-War Violence Case Study of Moldova and Pridnestrovie. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2013, nr. 1-2, 189-180. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
244. The «Foundations of Orthodox culture» – a culturology for children?. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2013, nr. 1-2, 209-190. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
245. Black Sea cooperation: The difficult path of overcoming divisions and marginalization. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2013, nr. 1-2, 216-210. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )
246. Becoming a tree hugger: youth environmentalism in Chişinău, Moldova. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2013, nr. 1-2, 233-217. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. )