
Lista articolelor cu rezumate în limba engleza

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Afisarea articolelor: 81-100(246)

State of Conservation and Periodic Reporting – A Way for Better Preservation and Sustainable Development of the World Heritage Sites

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2020, nr. 1, 242-227. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

A place of Life and Death. Burials and human bone finds in the Iron Age settlement at Saharna Mare / ”Dealul Mănăstirii”: archaeological data and anthropological analysis

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 2, 42-11. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

From Ultima Thule to the Hellespont – Some remarks on the bone points of the Iron Age

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 2, 52-43. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

The amazing architecture of the Dacians. Few thoughts concerning the use of mortars based on new analyses

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 2, 67-53. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

The settlement Komariv – glass-production centre in the European Barbaricum: a cultural and natural environment

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 2, 91-68. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

The specificity of the Scythian panoply of the Lower Danube

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 2, 110-92. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Fibulae with Canid Protome (Tierkopffibeln) in Romania

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 2, 128-111. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Notes on the origin and dating of the bone pyxides from the Sarmatian environment between the Don and the Prut

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 2, 155-129. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Non-invasive magnetometric prospection in forested area: the case study of Mirosław site 37 in Northwestern Poland

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 2, 167-156. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Orheiul Vechi: the results of recent geophysical surveys

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 2, 189-168. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Archaeoceramological analysis of the pottery from Orheiul Vechi and Butuceni-Vest settlements (Poieneşti-Lucaşeuca and Getic cultures)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 2, 225-190. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

500 de ani de la Reforma Protestantă – semnificația pentru societatea și democrația germană

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 1, 17-5. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Școala Română din Paris (Fontenay-aux-Roses) – file semnificative din istoria unei instituții românești dispărute în negura timpului

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 1, 33-18. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Preotul Anton Gabor şi rolul său în înfiinţarea Institutului Presa Bună

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 1, 42-34. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Considerații privind implicarea serviciilor secrete sovietice și a Cominternului în organizarea rebeliunii de la Tatar-Bunar

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 1, 59-43. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Loialitate în perioada extremelor: funcționarii publici din Basarabia în perioada celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial (1939-1945)

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 1, 95-60. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Сoветская политика организованной миграции.Пример Молдавской ССР. часть II: 1956-1967 гг.

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 1, 118-96. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Analiza patrimoniului modernist-socialist în Republica Moldova prin patru studii de caz

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 1, 130-119. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Launching Agricultural Land Reform in Republic of Moldova

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2019, nr. 1, 138-131. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

Challenges, competences, professions for the built heritage conservation in the contemporary world

. Plural. History, Culture, Society. 2018, nr. 2, 16-5. ISSN 2345-1262 ISSNe 2345-184X. (Cat. B)

81-100 of 246