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Prezenţa autorilor din străinătate în revista Natural Product Research

Afisarea articolelor: 1-2(2)
1. AMBROSIO, M., Universitatea din Trento, Italia, CIOCARLAN, A., dr., ARICU, A., dr.hab Minor acetylated metabolites from Euphrasia rostkoviana.: Natural and synthetic acetylated derivatives of rutin. Natural Product Research. 2020, nr. 2(34), 295-290. ISSN 1478-6419 ISSNe 1478-6427.
2. DUKA, G., dr., ARICU, A., dr.hab, KUCHKOVA, K., dr., SECARA-KUȘNIR, E., dr., BARBA, A., dr., DRAGALIN, I., dr., UNGUR, N., dr.hab, SPENGLER, G., University of Szeged, Ungaria Synthesis, structural elucidation and biological evaluations of new guanidine-containing terpenoids as anticancer agents. Natural Product Research. 2019, nr. 21(33), 3056-3052. ISSN 1478-6419 ISSNe 1478-6427.

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