
Despre revistă
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Anul fondării  2018
Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei
Tirajul revistei   100
Vizibilitate internațională
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Limba de publicare
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2023-06-21 12:57
Colegiul de redacţie
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Numărul curent

  Vol. 31 / Nr. 2 / 2024  (2 din 4)10    CZU
 2024  (2 din 4)19    
Vol. 31, nr. 210CZU
Vol. 31, nr. 19CZU
 2023  (4 din 4)56    
Vol. 30, nr. 411CZU
Vol. 30, nr. 313CZU
Vol. 30, nr. 216CZU
Vol. 30, nr. 116CZU
 2022  (4 din 4)62    
Vol. 29, nr. 415CZU
Vol. 29, nr. 316CZU
Vol. 29, nr. 216CZU
Vol. 29, nr. 115CZU
 2021  (4 din 4)59    
Vol. 28, nr. 415CZU
Vol. 28, nr. 315CZU
Vol. 28, nr. 215CZU
Vol. 28, nr. 114CZU
 2020  (4 din 4)62    
Vol. 27, nr. 418CZU
Vol. 27, nr. 320CZU
Vol. 27, nr. 213CZU
Vol. 27, nr. 111CZU
 2019  (4 din 4)44    
Vol. 26, nr. 410CZU
Vol. 26, nr. 312CZU
Vol. 26, nr. 211CZU
Vol. 26, nr. 111CZU
 2018  (3 din 4)36    
Vol. 25, nr. 410CZU
Vol. 25, nr. 310CZU
Vol. 25, nr. 216CZU

pISSN: 2587-3474
eISSN: 2587-3482
  • B+ (23.02.2024-22.02.2028)
  • B+ (06.12.2019-05.12.2023)
Pagina web: https://jes.utm.md/
Email: [email protected]
Telefon: (+373)22509960
Fax: (+373)22509960
Adresa: 9/9, Studenţilor Str., nr. 5 block of study, 5-315

JES is an international journal looking for innovation and creativity in the fields of engineering and includes four fascicles:

  • Industrial Engineering (A);
  • Electronics and Informatics (B);
  • Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environment (C);
  • Food Engineering (D).

JES aims to achieve the most modern theories and applications of these fields. Every manuscript sent to these domains should be based on a clear hypothesis and provide new information.

The purpose of JES is to provide a platform for researchers and engineers to promote, share and discuss new issues in engineering and developing technologies. The Technical University of Moldova publishes the Journal four times a year.

The JES follows the double-blind mutual examination procedure for filing all manuscripts. Supported documents will be available online (free access) and print version as well. Readers can study and download Open Access articles at no cost.

În ajutorul Colegiului de redacție în procedura de evaluare a revistei.
Notă: Descărcați formularele și completați cu datele lipsă.
Disponibil în IBN pentru perioada:
2018 - 2024

Vizualizări   888Descărcări   58

Conţinutul numărului de revistă

Optical anisotropy and birefringence of CuAlS2 crystals25-33

DOI: 10.52326/jes.utm.2021.28(2).01

CZU: 535.012

Masnik Alisa , Zalamai Victor , Ursaki Veaceslav
Effect of friction on the micromechanical properties of AISI 316L austenitic steel34-43

DOI: 10.52326/jes.utm.2021.28(2).02

CZU: 669.15-194.56:620.178.16

Grabco Daria , Pyrtsac Constantin , Topal Daria , Şikimaka Olga
Target recognition based on central and logarithmic central image chord transformations44-52

DOI: 10.52326/jes.utm.2021.28(2).03

CZU: 004.93

Perju Veacheslav
Ergo - evaluation of urban bus driver’s workstations in south west Nigeria53-66

DOI: 10.52326/jes.utm.2021.28(2).04

CZU: 331.41:629.34(662.6)

Ismaila Salami O. , Odunlami Samson A , Kuye Sidikat I. , Musa Adekunle I. , Olayanju Adeniyi
Trust - based modeling MAC-type access control through access and actions control policies67-78

DOI: 10.52326/jes.utm.2021.28(2).05

CZU: 004.056

Danilescu Marcel , Beshliu Victor
Petri Nets modeling for SDN topologies79-90

DOI: 10.52326/jes.utm.2021.28(2).06

CZU: 004.4:004.7

Ameen Ali , Guţuleac Emilian
Some reliability aspects of MEMS and NEMS manufacturing91-102

DOI: 10.52326/jes.utm.2021.28(2).07

CZU: 004.7

Băjenescu Titu-Marius
About the necessity to determine the technical condition of buildings of strategic importance in Ungheni district from Republic of Moldova103-111

DOI: 10.52326/jes.utm.2021.28(2).08

CZU: 69.059(478)

Rusu Ion , Creţu Ion
Menționat în lucrare The use of geographic information system for flood predictions112-119

DOI: 10.52326/jes.utm.2021.28(2).09

CZU: 004.04:912:632.123(478)

Tabacaru Alexandru , Nistor-Lopatenco Livia , Bejan Iurie , Pantaz Alexandru
Replacement of natural aggregates used in road structures with steel slag120-124

DOI: 10.52326/jes.utm.2021.28(2).10

CZU: 625.8:669.18

Chiricuţă Ion
SWOT principle in flood risk management125-137

DOI: 10.52326/jes.utm.2021.28(2).11

CZU: 632.123.1:614.8(478)

Grama Vasile , Avanzi Agostino , Nistor-Lopatenco Livia
Digital techniques for water pollution control138-148

DOI: 10.52326/jes.utm.2021.28(2).12

CZU: 004:614.7:574.5

Sava Nina , Marusic Galina
Luat la evidențăRaportatMenționat în lucrare!Menționat în lucrare Effects of natural bioactive compounds on microbial safety and quality of dairy products149-160

DOI: 10.52326/jes.utm.2021.28(2).13

CZU: 637.1/.3.05:[634/635:573.6+665.5]

Popescu Liliana
Luat la evidențăRaportatMenționat în lucrare Pastries with functional spirulina platensis ingredients161-172

DOI: 10.52326/jes.utm.2021.28(2).14

CZU: 664.68:582.232

Bantea-Zagareanu Valentina , Gurev Angela , Dragancea Veronica , Dodon Adelina
Luat la evidențăRaportatMenționat în lucrare The influence of distillation methods on the flavor profile and quality indices of wine brandies173-184

DOI: 10.52326/jes.utm.2021.28(2).15

CZU: 663.241:663.55(478)

Balanuţă Anatol , Covaci Ecaterina , Codrean (Sclifos) Aliona