
Despre revistă
Domenii de acreditare
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Anul fondării  2018
Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei
Tirajul revistei   100
Vizibilitate internațională
Caracteristica articolelor
Limba de publicare
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2023-03-19 09:01
Colegiul de redacţie
Vizibilitatea autorilor

Numărul curent

  Vol. 31 / Nr. 2 / 2024  (2 din 4)10    CZU
 2024  (2 din 4)19    
Vol. 31, nr. 210CZU
Vol. 31, nr. 19CZU
 2023  (4 din 4)56    
Vol. 30, nr. 411CZU
Vol. 30, nr. 313CZU
Vol. 30, nr. 216CZU
Vol. 30, nr. 116CZU
 2022  (4 din 4)62    
Vol. 29, nr. 415CZU
Vol. 29, nr. 316CZU
Vol. 29, nr. 216CZU
Vol. 29, nr. 115CZU
 2021  (4 din 4)59    
Vol. 28, nr. 415CZU
Vol. 28, nr. 315CZU
Vol. 28, nr. 215CZU
Vol. 28, nr. 114CZU
 2020  (4 din 4)62    
Vol. 27, nr. 418CZU
Vol. 27, nr. 320CZU
Vol. 27, nr. 213CZU
Vol. 27, nr. 111CZU
 2019  (4 din 4)44    
Vol. 26, nr. 410CZU
Vol. 26, nr. 312CZU
Vol. 26, nr. 211CZU
Vol. 26, nr. 111CZU
 2018  (3 din 4)36    
Vol. 25, nr. 410CZU
Vol. 25, nr. 310CZU
Vol. 25, nr. 216CZU

pISSN: 2587-3474
eISSN: 2587-3482
  • B+ (23.02.2024-22.02.2028)
  • B+ (06.12.2019-05.12.2023)
Pagina web: https://jes.utm.md/
Email: [email protected]
Telefon: (+373)22509960
Fax: (+373)22509960
Adresa: 9/9, Studenţilor Str., nr. 5 block of study, 5-315

JES is an international journal looking for innovation and creativity in the fields of engineering and includes four fascicles:

  • Industrial Engineering (A);
  • Electronics and Informatics (B);
  • Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environment (C);
  • Food Engineering (D).

JES aims to achieve the most modern theories and applications of these fields. Every manuscript sent to these domains should be based on a clear hypothesis and provide new information.

The purpose of JES is to provide a platform for researchers and engineers to promote, share and discuss new issues in engineering and developing technologies. The Technical University of Moldova publishes the Journal four times a year.

The JES follows the double-blind mutual examination procedure for filing all manuscripts. Supported documents will be available online (free access) and print version as well. Readers can study and download Open Access articles at no cost.

În ajutorul Colegiului de redacție în procedura de evaluare a revistei.
Notă: Descărcați formularele și completați cu datele lipsă.
Disponibil în IBN pentru perioada:
2018 - 2024

Vizualizări   1277Descărcări   49

Conţinutul numărului de revistă

Application of DC motor as speed and direction control17-22

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3713354

CZU: 621.331.2

Mohapatra Badri Narayan , Rashmita Kumari Mohapatra
Birefringence and exciton spectra of CuAlSe2 and CuAlS2 crystals23-27

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3713358

CZU: 535.343.2+544.22

Masnik Alisa
3D Micropackaging of integrated circuits28-35

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3713360

CZU: 621.3.049.77

Băjenescu Titu-Marius
Properties of structural lightweight expanded clay concrete with different types of porous sands36-42

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3713362

CZU: 666.973

Kroviakov Sergi , Dudnyk Lidiia , Zavoloka Michael
Grounds stabilized with organic binders43-49

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3713364

CZU: 524.131.5

Braguţa Eugeniu
Strength, cractic resistance and deformativity of reinforced concrete beams damaged by through cracks, reinforced carbon fiber50-63

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3713366

CZU: 624.012.45

Antonova Diana , Zavoloka Michael , Karpiuk Vasyl , Karpiuk Irina , Rusu Ion
Luat la evidențăRaportat Drying installation for granular products in the suspension layer64-68

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3713368

CZU: 66.047.75

Balan Mihail , Bernic Mircea , Ţislinscaia Natalia
Luat la evidențăRaportat Peculiarities of walnut oil state in some food emulsions69-74

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3713370

CZU: 664.3

Radu Oxana
Luat la evidențăRaportat Microalgae – non-traditional sources of nutritients and pigments for functional foods75-98

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3713372

CZU: 551.464.7:664

Gurev Angela , Dragancea Veronica , Haritonov Svetlana
Influence of maceration duration on Viorica wines quality99-106

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3713374

CZU: 663.2:66.063.4(478)

Furtuna-Vladei Natalia
Stability of ascorbic acid during the technological processes of apricot compote fabrication107-112

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3713376

CZU: 577.164.2:664.8.036:634.21

Patraș Antoanela , Baetu Alina Loredana , Băetu Mihai-Marius