Variabilitatea caracterelor cantitative la hibrizi F4 - F5 de Salvia Sclarea L.
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633.811:631.527.5 (1)
Aromatic plants. Condiment plants. Oleaginous plants. Dye plants. Tanning plants. Medicinal plants (478)
Agricultural operations (1324)
SM ISO690:2012
COTELEA, Ludmila, GONCEARIUC, Maria, BALMUŞ, Zinaida, BUTNARAŞ, Violeta, MAŞCOVŢEVA, Svetlana, BOTNARENCO, Pantelimon. Variabilitatea caracterelor cantitative la hibrizi F4 - F5 de Salvia Sclarea L.. In: Agronomie şi agroecologie, 1 ianuarie 2018, Chişinău. Chişinău: Centrul editorial UASM, 2018, Vol.52(1), pp. 317-321. ISBN 978-.
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Agronomie şi agroecologie
Vol.52(1), 2018
Simpozionul "„85 ani ai Facultăţii de Agronomie – realizări şi perspective”, dedicat aniversării a 85 de ani de la fondarea Universităţii Agrare de Stat din Moldova"
Chişinău, Moldova, 1 ianuarie 2018

Variabilitatea caracterelor cantitative la hibrizi F4 - F5 de Salvia Sclarea L.

CZU: 633.811:631.527.5

Pag. 317-321

Cotelea Ludmila, Gonceariuc Maria, Balmuş Zinaida, Butnaraş Violeta, Maşcovţeva Svetlana, Botnarenco Pantelimon
Institutul de Genetică, Fiziologie şi Protecţie a Plantelor
Disponibil în IBN: 9 decembrie 2019


In this work are present the results obtained in creation of perspective hybrid genotypes, the evaluation of their quantitative characteristics and variability. As a result of investigations, we can conclude that through the hybridization can be created an important and valuable initial breeding material for creating of perspective varieties. Most of the characters in the studied hybrids are quite constant, because the coefficient of variation is relatively small.

Salvia sclarea L., genotype, Hybrid, quantitative characters, essential oil, variability, Productivity

DataCite XML Export

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<affiliation>Institutul de Genetică, Fiziologie şi Protecţie a Plantelor, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<creatorName>Gonceariuc, M.M.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Institutul de Genetică, Fiziologie şi Protecţie a Plantelor, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<creatorName>Balmuş, Z.C.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Institutul de Genetică, Fiziologie şi Protecţie a Plantelor, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<creatorName>Butnaraş, V.I.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Institutul de Genetică, Fiziologie şi Protecţie a Plantelor, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<creatorName>Maşcovţeva, S.A.</creatorName>
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<creatorName>Botnarenco, P.M.</creatorName>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>In this work are present the results obtained in creation of perspective hybrid genotypes, the evaluation of their quantitative characteristics and variability. As a result of investigations, we can conclude that through the hybridization can be created an important and valuable initial breeding material for creating of perspective varieties. Most of the characters in the studied hybrids are quite constant, because the coefficient of variation is relatively small.</p></description>