Conţinutul numărului revistei |
Articolul precedent |
Articolul urmator |
919 7 |
Ultima descărcare din IBN: 2024-03-13 18:59 |
Căutarea după subiecte similare conform CZU |
343.150.1 (2) |
Criminal justice. Criminal investigation. Criminal proceedings (1468) |
SM ISO690:2012 ПАНАСЮК, Олександр. До проблеми допустимості використання судом першої інстанції наданих стороною обвинувачення матеріалів, що містять показання. In: Jurnalul juridic national: teorie şi practică, 2016, nr. 6(22-2), pp. 146-151. ISSN 2345-1130. |
EXPORT metadate: Google Scholar Crossref CERIF DataCite Dublin Core |
Jurnalul juridic national: teorie şi practică | ||||||||
Numărul 6(22-2) / 2016 / ISSN 2345-1130 | ||||||||
CZU: 343.150.1 | ||||||||
Pag. 146-151 | ||||||||
Descarcă PDF | ||||||||
Rezumat | ||||||||
The article deals with the problem of inquiry of materials containing testimony provided by prosecution at the trial stage of criminal proceedings by the first-instance court. The author stresses that the court has to judge both content of these materials and their procedural nature critically. It will influence on admissibility of using those materials as evidence. Particular attention is paid to the fact that the final decision on this matter must be taken by court only if evidence is evaluated from the point of view of its conformity with the normative and scientific criteria. |
Cuvinte-cheie допустимість доказів, суд першої інстанції, показання, оцінка доказів, судовий розгляд |