Rolul comunicării în gestionarea crizelor de imagine ale organizaţiilor
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1324 196
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2024-06-22 18:25
Căutarea după subiecte
similare conform CZU
005.32:659.127.3 (1)
Management activities (461)
Publicity. Advertising (178)
SM ISO690:2012
PETRUCĂ, Irina. Rolul comunicării în gestionarea crizelor de imagine ale organizaţiilor. In: Intertext , 2014, nr. 3-4(31), pp. 270-273. ISSN 1857-3711.
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Dublin Core
Numărul 3-4(31) / 2014 / ISSN 1857-3711 /ISSNe 2345-1750

Rolul comunicării în gestionarea crizelor de imagine ale organizaţiilor
CZU: 005.32:659.127.3

Pag. 270-273

Petrucă Irina
Universitatea Apollonia din Iași
Disponibil în IBN: 29 mai 2015


Nowadays we can see how the organizations image tends to have an increasingly importance, and this is characterized by the culture affirmation, its structure and nature. Crises in business environment, as in everyday life, appear in as many forms as a simple virosis, being very complicated to be noticed and their characteristics to be distinguished, but we can see that very often they are caused by a poor management. Research conducted by institutes focused on crisis management concluded that most of the negative events of business environment, reflected in an ample way by the media, are caused by direct or indirect decisions of the management team. At a time of image crisis for an organization, communication will have a very important role in the solution. All facts and statements regarding these cases revolve around the credibility and reputation of the organization, which are crucial elements in organizational communication and in the efficacy of public relations activities.

image, crisis, organization, communication, business, reputation,
