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Ultima descărcare din IBN: 2024-01-29 14:17 |
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801.82:811.135.1’282 (1) |
Sources of linguistics and philology. Collections of texts (65) |
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SM ISO690:2012 POPOVSCHI, Liliana. „Texte dialectale.Supliment la Atlasul lingvistic moldovenesc (ALM)”: probleme ale reeditării. In: Philologia, 2023, nr. 3(321), pp. 36-50. ISSN 1857-4300. DOI: |
EXPORT metadate: Google Scholar Crossref CERIF DataCite Dublin Core |
Philologia | |||||||||
Numărul 3(321) / 2023 / ISSN 1857-4300 /ISSNe 2587-3717 | |||||||||
DOI: | |||||||||
CZU: 801.82:811.135.1’282 | |||||||||
Pag. 36-50 | |||||||||
Descarcă PDF | |||||||||
Rezumat | |||||||||
The preparation of a new edition of the work Dialectal Texts. Supplement to the Moldavian Linguistic Atlas (ALM) required the solution of o series of problems, taking into account both the new realities due to the changes that have occurred in the last decades in the Republic of Moldova on a social-political and cultural level, the return to the Latin script and the recognition of the unity of the language spoken on both banks of the Prut river, as well as the principles of editing Romanian dialectal texts, so that the volumes of dialectal texts published in Chisinau could be integrated into the series of similar works published in Romania, forming a whole with them. The paper highlights the solutions identified to reduce the differences compared to the volumes edited by Romanian dialectologists in terms of the way the texts are presented and to transpose as accurately as possible the texts from the phonetic transcription system of the Moldavian Linguistic Atlas, based on the Cyrillic script, into that of the Romanian Linguistic Atlas, which represents the optimal system to transcribe spoken Romanian language. |
Cuvinte-cheie dialectal texts, reissue, problems, presentation, principles, phonogram archive, structure, reorganization, phonetic transcription, Cyrillic script, Latin script, transposition, texte dialectale, reeditare, probleme, prezentare, principii, arhivă fonogramică, structura, reorganizare, transcriere fonetică, grafie chirilică, grafie latină, transpunere |
DataCite XML Export
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <resource xmlns:xsi='' xmlns='' xsi:schemaLocation=''> <identifier identifierType='DOI'>10.52505/1857-4300.2023.3(321).04</identifier> <creators> <creator> <creatorName>Popovschi, L.V.</creatorName> <affiliation>Institutul de Filologie Română „Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu”, USM, Moldova, Republica</affiliation> </creator> </creators> <titles> <title xml:lang='ro'>„Texte dialectale.Supliment la Atlasul lingvistic moldovenesc (ALM)”: probleme ale reeditării</title> </titles> <publisher>Instrumentul Bibliometric National</publisher> <publicationYear>2023</publicationYear> <relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType='ISSN' relationType='IsPartOf'>1857-4300</relatedIdentifier> <subjects> <subject>dialectal texts</subject> <subject>reissue</subject> <subject>problems</subject> <subject>presentation</subject> <subject>principles</subject> <subject>phonogram archive</subject> <subject>structure</subject> <subject>reorganization</subject> <subject>phonetic transcription</subject> <subject>Cyrillic script</subject> <subject>Latin script</subject> <subject>transposition</subject> <subject>texte dialectale</subject> <subject>reeditare</subject> <subject>probleme</subject> <subject>prezentare</subject> <subject>principii</subject> <subject>arhivă fonogramică</subject> <subject>structura</subject> <subject>reorganizare</subject> <subject>transcriere fonetică</subject> <subject>grafie chirilică</subject> <subject>grafie latină</subject> <subject>transpunere</subject> <subject schemeURI='' subjectScheme='UDC'>801.82:811.135.1’282</subject> </subjects> <dates> <date dateType='Issued'>2023-11-11</date> </dates> <resourceType resourceTypeGeneral='Text'>Journal article</resourceType> <descriptions> <description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The preparation of a new edition of the work Dialectal Texts. Supplement to the Moldavian Linguistic Atlas (ALM) required the solution of o series of problems, taking into account both the new realities due to the changes that have occurred in the last decades in the Republic of Moldova on a social-political and cultural level, the return to the Latin script and the recognition of the unity of the language spoken on both banks of the Prut river, as well as the principles of editing Romanian dialectal texts, so that the volumes of dialectal texts published in Chisinau could be integrated into the series of similar works published in Romania, forming a whole with them. The paper highlights the solutions identified to reduce the differences compared to the volumes edited by Romanian dialectologists in terms of the way the texts are presented and to transpose as accurately as possible the texts from the phonetic transcription system of the Moldavian Linguistic Atlas, based on the Cyrillic script, into that of the Romanian Linguistic Atlas, which represents the optimal system to transcribe spoken Romanian language.</p></description> <description xml:lang='ro' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>Pregătirea unei noi ediții a lucrării Texte dialectale. Supliment la Atlasul lingvistic moldovenesc (ALM) a necesitat soluționarea unui șir de probleme, ținându-se cont atât de noile realităţi datorate schimbărilor survenite în ultimele decenii în Republica Moldova pe plan social-politic și cultural, revenirii la grafia latină şi recunoaşterii unităţii limbii vorbite pe ambele maluri ale Prutului, cât și de principiile de editare a textelor dialectale româneşti, astfel încât volumele de texte dialectale publicate la Chișinău să se integreze în seria de lucrări similare publicate în România, făcând corp comun cu acestea. În articol sunt evidențiate soluțiile identificate pentru a diminua diferențele în raport cu volumele îngrijite de dialectologii români în ceea ce privește modul de prezentare a textelor și pentru a transpune cât mai exact textele din sistemul de transcriere fonetică al Atlasului lingvistic moldovenesc, bazat pe grafia chirilică, în cel al Atlasului lingvistic român, ce reprezintă sistemul optim de transcriere a limbii române vorbite.</p></description> </descriptions> <formats> <format>application/pdf</format> </formats> </resource>