The role of laboratory methods in diagnosis and follow-up of patients with tuberculosis
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616.24-002.5-074 (1)
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SM ISO690:2012
LESNIK, Evelina, GHINDA, Serghei. The role of laboratory methods in diagnosis and follow-up of patients with tuberculosis. In: Arta Medica , 2022, nr. 3(84), pp. 16-24. ISSN 1810-1852. DOI:
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Arta Medica
Numărul 3(84) / 2022 / ISSN 1810-1852 /ISSNe 1810-1879

The role of laboratory methods in diagnosis and follow-up of patients with tuberculosis

CZU: 616.24-002.5-074

Pag. 16-24

Lesnik Evelina1, Ghinda Serghei2
1 ”Nicolae Testemițanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy,
2 Institute of Phtysiopneumology „Chiril Draganiuc”
Disponibil în IBN: 9 noiembrie 2022


Objective. To conduct a literature review regarding the role of laboratory methods in diagnosis and follow-up of patients with tuberculosis for establishing the need for developing new diagnostic techniques and methods. Material and methods. A systematic literature review was conducted through which the electronic sources published in PubMed and HINARI collection of health literature, and printed material searched according to the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) were evaluated. The results were grouped and systematized according to the level of scientific evidence. Results. Microbiological methods are recommended in all patients with tuberculosis, for diagnosis and follow-up. The most used immune test is the tuberculin skin test. The disorders of the immune are currently evaluated according to the white cell blood count. Immune research could not provide relevant and reproducible biomarkers. Conclusions. Dynamic approach for the research on immune biomarkers in longitudinal studies, on a large number of patients and multianalyte assays, could provide predictive immune biomarkers to be used for the correction of the anti-TB treatment and intensification of immune modulating treatment.

microbiology, immunology, tuberculosis, Diagnosis, follow-up